edited by Peter Schmiedek, Karl Einhäupl, Carl-Martin Kirsch.
Berlin, Heidelberg
Springer Berlin Heidelberg
(xvi, 276 pages 97 illustrations)
1: Regulation of Cerebral Blood Flow --;Regulation of Cerebral Blood Flow: A Brief Review --;Capillary Perfusion in the Brain --;Intrinsic and Extrinsic Neural Regulation of the Cerebral Circulation --;Endothelium-Dependent Relaxations and Concentrations: Their Physiology in the Cerebral Arteries and Pathology in Experimental Cerebral Vasospasm --;Mechanisms of Cerebral Vasodilatation During Neuronal Activation by Bicuculline: A Review --;Postischemic Hyperperfusion and Outcome: An Experimental Study --;2: Methods for the Measurement of Cerebral Blood Flow --;Erythrocyte Flow in Cerebral Capillaries Under Resting and Stimulated Conditions --;Continuous Measurement of Acetazolamide Stimulated Cerebral Blood Flow by Laser Doppler Flowmetry --;Transcranial Doppler Ultrasound and Regional Cerebral Blood Flow Assessment of Cerebral Hemodynamics: The Acetazolamide Test --;Continuous Monitoring of Cortical Blood Flow and Intracranial Pressure in Severe Cerebral Trauma --;Role of Cerebral Blood Flow Imaging in the Evaluation of Subarachnoid Hemorrhage and Intracranial Arteriovenous Malformations --;Hemodynamic Assessment of Carotid Artery Obstructive Lesions: Comparison of PET and SPECT --;Cerebral Blood Flow to Cerebral Blood Volume Relationship as a Correlate to Cerebral Perfusion Reserve --;Positron Emission Tomography Activation Studies in Neurological Patients --;3: Stimulation of Cerebral Blood Flow --;Methods for Manipulation of Regional Brain Perfusion, Intracranial Artery Diameter, and Cerebral Blood Volume --;Carbon Dioxide and Oxygen Reactivity in Cerebral Circulation --;Noninvasive Testing of Vasomotor Reserve --;Identification of Hemodynamic Patients for EC-IC Bypass Surgery --;Effect of Blood Pressure on Cerebral Blood Flow and Infarct Size: Hemodynamic Considerations --;Effects of Acetazolamide on EEG and Intracranial Pressure --;Mental Activity and Changes in Cerebral Blood Flow Evaluated by Transcranial Doppler Sonography --;4: Clinical Application of Stimulated Cerebral Blood Flow Studies --;Natural History of Patients Defined by Assessment of Cerebral Blood Flow Reserves --;Aspects of Cerebrovascular Autoregulation Following Subarachnoid Haemorrhage --;Doppler CO2 Test in Internal Carotid Artery Occlusions: Prospective and Retrospective Results --;Changes in CBF After Carotid Endarterectomy: Follow-up in Neurologically Asymptomatic Patients --;Effect od Stenosis and Endarterectomy on Internal Carotid Artery Blood Flow --;Cerebrovascular Reserve Capacity Measured with 133-Xenon Dynamic SPECT Before and After Carotid Endarterectomy --;Extra-Intracranial Bypass Surgery in Patients with Hemodynamic Cerebral Ischemia --;Follow-up Studies of Cerebrovascular Reserve Capacity in Patients with Cerebrovascular Disease.
Das vorliegende Buch enth{lt die Beitr{ge eines internatio- nalen Symposiumszum Thema "Stimulierte Hirndurchblutung". Vorgestellt werden zun{chst neue Erkenntnisse zur Regulation der Hinrdurchblutung. Im 2. Abschnitt kommen verschiedene Methoden zur Messung der Hirndurchblutung zur Sprache, die sowohl unter experimentellen als auch unter klinischen Be- dingungengetestet wurden. Es folgt ein Abschnitt, der ver- schiedene M|glichkeiten zur Stimulation der Hirndurchblutung aufzeigt. Im letzten Abschnitt wird aufdie Bedeutung der stimulierten Hirndurchblutungsmessung zur Bestimmung der ce- rebrovascul{ren Reservekapazit{ten hingewiesen. Dieser Para- meter hat nach den vorliegenden Untersuchungen klinisch- praktische Bedeutung, beispielsweise f}r die Indikations- stellung bei cerebrovascul{ren Eingriffen zur Isch{mie-Pro- phylaxe.
Medical radiology.
edited by Peter Schmiedek, Karl Einhäupl, Carl-Martin Kirsch.