Handbook of Experimental Pharmacology, Continuation of Handbuch der experimentellen Pharmakologie, 75.
Exposure Techniques --;The Design and Operation of Systems for Inhalation Exposure of Animals --;Gases and Vapors: Generation and Analysis --;Determination of Retained Lung Dose --;General Assessment of Toxic Effects --;Animal Models --;Epidemiologic Studies in Human Populations --;The Isolated Perfused Lung --;Pulmonary Cell and Tissue Cultures --;Bronchoalveolar Lavage --;Morphologic Techniques --;Morphological Methods for Gross and Microscopic Pathology --;Morphometry of the Alveolar Region of the Lung --;Biological and Biochemical Analysis --;Cellular Kinetics of the Lung --;Mucociliary Clearance and Mucus Secretion in the Lung --;General Enzymology of the Lung --;The Pulmonary Mixed-Function Oxidase System --;The Surfactant System of the Lung --;Effects of Pneumotoxins on Lung Connective Tissue.