Standards for the Socioeconomic Evaluation of Health Care Services
by Bryan R. Luce, Anne Elixhauser ; edited by A.J. Culyer.
Berlin, Heidelberg
Springer Berlin Heidelberg
(xv, 184 pages 17 illustrations)
Health systems research.
Socioeconomic Evaluations: an Executive Summary --;I: Guidelines for the Evaluator --;1 Introduction to Socioeconomic Evaluations --;2 Concepts in Socioeconomic Evaluation --;3 Types of Socioeconomic Evaluation --;4 Framework of the Evaluation --;5 Assessing Costs --;6 Assessing Consequences --;7 Adjusting Costs and Consequences --;8 Issues in Study Design --;9 How To Assess a Socioeconomic Evaluation --;II: Technical Aspects --;10 Quality of Life Assessment in Socioeconomic Evaluations --;11 Decision Analysis --;12 Utility Analysis in Socioeconomic Evaluation --;13 Background on Statistics: Fundamental Concepts --;14 Basic Analytica Techniques --;References --;Postscript: Successful Socioeconomic Evaluation of Health Care Services --;Curriculum Vitae of Authors.
Over the past decades, health care delivery - once characterized by clearly defined relationships between medical professionals, regulators, and industr- has become much more complex. They bring into the discussion the need for cost containment and the changing perceptions of the public with regard to the risks and benefits of health care outcomes.
by Bryan R. Luce, Anne Elixhauser ; edited by A.J. Culyer.