Basic and Applied Aspects of Noise-Induced Hearing Loss
edited by Richard J. Salvi, D. Henderson, R.P. Hamernik, V. Colletti.
Boston, MA
Springer US
(680 pages)
NATO ASI series., Series A,, Life sciences ;, 111.
Anatomical Bases of Noise Induced Hearing Loss --;Morphology of Stereocilia on Cochlear Cells after Noise Exposure --;Mechanical Changes in the Stereocilia following Overstimulation: Observations and Possible Mechanisms --;The Morphology of Sterocilia and Their Coss-Links in Relation to Noise Damage in the Guinea Pig --;Synaptology of the Cochlea: Different Types of Synapse, Putative Neurotransmitters and Physiopathological Implications --;The Morphology of the Normal and Pathological Cell Membrane and Junctional Complexes of the Cochlea --;Mechanically Induced Morphological Changes in the Organ of Corti --;The Application of Morphometric and Stereological Principles to Epithelial Tissue: Theoretical and Practical Considerations --;Morphometric Methods for the Evaluation of the Cochlear Microvasculature --;Physiological Changes with Noise-Induced Hearing Loss --;Mechanical Correlates of Noise Trauma in the Mammalian Cochlea --;Auditory Sensitivity, Auditory Fatigue and Cochlear Mechanics --;The Response of Mammalian Cochlear Hair Cells to Acoustic Overstimulation --;Structure-Function Correlation in Noise-Damaged Ears: A Light and Electron-Microscopic Study --;Psychophysical and Physiological Aspects of Auditory Temporal Processing in Listeners with Noise-Induced Sensorineural Hearing Loss --;Increase in Central Auditory Responsiveness During Continuous Tone Stimulation or Following Hearing Loss --;Adjustments in Coronary Blood with Noise Stimulation --;Critical Periods of Susceptibility to Noise-Induced Hearing Loss --;The Acoustic Reflex in Industrial Impact Noise --;Noise History, Audiometric Profile and Acoustic Reflex Responsivity --;Stimulation of the Middle Ear Acoustic Reflex Applied to Damage-Risk for Hearing Loss Produced by Burst Fire --;Psychoacoustic Performance Changes with Noise-Induced Hearing Loss --;Changes in Auditory Threshold During and After Long Duration Noise Exposure: Species Differences --;The Curious Half-Octave Shift: Evidence for a Basalward Migration of the Traveling-Wave Envelope with Increasing Intensity --;Human Noise Experiments Using a Temporary Threshold Shift Model --;The Relationship Between Speech Perception and Psychoacoustical Measurements in Noise-Induced Hearing Loss Subjects --;Speech Perception in Individuals with Noise-Induced Hearing Loss and its Implication for Hearing Loss Criteria --;The Perception of Synthetic Speech in Noise --;Concept --;Reference Coherence in Speech Perception: Consequences for Native and Second Language Speech Comprehension in Noise --;Impulse Noise/Blast Wave Effects --;A Parametric Evaluation of the Equal Energy Hypothesis --;Impulse Noise Hazard as a Fuction of Level and Spectral Distribution --;Experimental Studies of Impulse Noise --;The Role of Peak Pressure in Determining the Auditory Hazard of Impulse Noise --;Effects of Weapon Noise on Hearing --;Critical Peak Level for Impulse Noise Hazard: Permanent Hearing Threshold Shifts in Military Drill Squads Following Known Variation of Impulse Noise Exposure --;Can TTS be an Indicator for Individual Susceptibility to PTS? --;Field Studies on Impluse Noise Annoyance in the Environment of Garrison Firing Range --;The Results of Long-Term Field Studies on Acoustic Traumata in Military Personnel --;Effects of Blast Waves on Nonauditory Epithelial Tissue --;Nonauditory Effects of Repeated Exposures to Intense Impulse Noise --;Experimental and Analytical Studies of Blast Wave Effects on Major Organ Systems of the Body --;Complex and Interactin Effects of Noise --;Hearing in Fishermen and Coastguards --;Interactions Between Different Classes of Noise --;Some Issues Associated with Interactions Between Ototoxic Drugs and Exposure to Intense Sounds --;Hearing and Endocrine function --;A Pathway for the Interaction of Stress and Noise Influences on Hearing --;Implications for Noise Standards --;The Effects of Age, Otological Factors and Occupational Noise Exposure on Hearing Threshold Levels of Various Populations --;Current Perspectives on Issues in Personal Hearing Protection --;Hearing Conservation and Impulse Noise in the British Army --;Mathematical Simulation of the Cochlear Mechanism Applied to Damage-Risk Criteria for Impulse Noise --;Acoustic Reflex and Exchange Rate for White Noise Short Stimuli --;The Proposed ISO Standard Determination of Occupational Noise Exposure and Estimation of Noise-Induced Hearing Impairment --;President's Farewell Address --;French Abstracts --;Contributors.
In September 1985, NATO sponsored an Advanced Study WOl'kshop entitled, "Noise-Induced Hearing Loss: Basic and Applied Aspects."
Environmental sciences.
Noise control.
edited by Richard J. Salvi, D. Henderson, R.P. Hamernik, V. Colletti.