Auxiliaries and Related Puzzles : Volume One: Categories
edited by Frank Heny, Barry Richards.
Springer Netherlands
(312 pages)
Synthese Language Library, Texts and Studies in Linguistics and Philosophy, 19.
One / The 'AUX' Hypothesis --;Da and the Category AUX in Bulgarian --;Person-Subject Marking in AUX in Egyptian Arabic --;Two / Some Elusive Categories --;Polarized Auxiliaries --;Marking Constituents --;Government and the Search for AUXes: A Case Study in Cross-linguistic Category Identification --;On Two Types of Infinitival Complementation --;The Case of German Adjectives --;Transitive Adjectives: A Case of Categorial Reanalysis.
Based on Papers Presented at the Fourth Groningen Round Table, Held in July 1980 and Organized by the Institute for General Linguistics of Groningen University
Based on Papers Presented at the Fourth Groningen Round Table, Held in July 1980 and Organized by the Institute for General Linguistics of Groningen University