Husserlian Intentionality and Non-Foundational Realism :
Noema and Object
by John J. Drummond.
Springer Netherlands
(316 pages)
Contributions to Phenomenology, In Cooperation with the Center for Advanced Research in Phenomenology, 4.
Notes --;I: Intentionality and the Reduction --;1. Intentionality: A Philosophical Context --;2. Intentionality: Husserl's Early Theory --;3. The Reduction --;II: Noema and Object --;4. Contra Gurwitsch --;5. Contra the Fregean Approach --;6. Identities and Manifolds --;7. Noemata, Senses, and Meanings --;8. Possibilities and the Actual World --;III: Non-Foundational Realism --;9. Husserl and Foundationalism --;10. Husserl and Realism.
The rift which has long divided the philosophical world into opposed schools-the "Continental" school owing its origins to the phenomenology of Husserl and the "analytic" school derived from Frege-is finally closing.