Machine derived contents note: 1 Chemotaxis and Interaction with Vascular or Lymphatic Endothelium Silvano Sozzani, Annunciata Vecchi, Paola Allavena, --;and Alberto Mantovani 1 --;2 Analysis of Integrin-Dependent Rapid Adhesion Under Laminar-Flow Conditions --;Carlo Laudanna 17 --;3 Posttranslational Processing of Chemokines --;Paul Proost, Frank Mahieu, Evemie Schutyser, and Jo Van Damme 27 --;4 Chemotactic Profiling of Lymphocyte Subpopulations --;Lucia Colantonio, Andrea lellem, and Daniele D'Ambrosio 45 --;5 Measurement of the Levels of Polymerized Actin (F-Actin) --;in Chemokine-Stimulated Lymphocytes and GFP-Coupled cDNA Transfected Lymphoid Cells by Flow Cytometry --;Miguel Vicente-Manzanares, Mariano Vit6n, and Francisco Sanchez-Madrid 53 --;6 Evaluation of Rho Family Small G-Protein Activity Induced --;by Integrin Ligation on Human Leukocytes --;Angela Gismondi, Fabrizio Mainiero, and Angela Santoni 69 --;7 Reconstructing Leukocyte Migration in 3D Extracellular Matrix by Time-Lapse --;Videomicroscopy and Computer-Assisted Tracking --;Peter Friedl and Eva-B. Brocker 77 --;8 Analyzing Chemotaxis Using Dictyostelium discoideum --;as a Model System --;Mark A. Landree and Peter N. Devreotes 91 --;9 Conditional Transgenic Models to Study Chemokine Biology --;Sergio A. Lira, Borna Mehrad, Shu-Cheng Chen, Petronio Zalamea, --;David I. Kinsley, Maria T. Wiekowski, Elizabeth Coronel, Galya --;Vassileva, Denise Manfra, and Kristian K. Jensen 105 --;10 Intravital Microscopy as a Tool for Studying --;Recruitment and Chemotaxis --;Denise C. Cara and Paul Kubes 123 --;--;--;--;11 Tracking Antigen-Specific Lymphocytes In Vivo --;Claire L. Adams, Catherine M., Rush, Karen M. Smith, --;and Paul Garside 133 --;12 Analysis of Homing-Receptor Expression on Infiltrating Leukocytes --;in Disease States --;Margherita Mariani and Paola Panina-Bordignon 147 --;13 Interaction of Viral Chemokine Inhibitors with Chemokines --;Antonio Alcami 167 --;14 Discovery of Small-Molecule Antagonists of Chemokine Receptors: --;Screening Strategy and Assays --;M aria Elena Fuentes 181 --;15 Visualization and Analysis of Adhesive Events in Brain --;Microvessels by Using Intravital Microscopy --;Gabriela Constantin 189 --;16 Animal Models to Study Chemokine Receptor Function In Vivo: --;Mouse Models of Allergic Airway Inflammation --;Clare M. Lloyd and Jose-Carlos Gutierrez-Ramos 199 --;17 Assessing the Role of Multiple Phosphoinositide 3-Kinases --;in Chemokine Signaling: Use of Dominant Negative Mutants --;Controlled by a Tetracycline-Regulated Gene Expression System --;Adam P. Curnock, Yannis Sotsios, and Stephen G. Ward 211 --;18 In Vitro and In Vivo Models to Study Chemokine Regulation --;of Angiogenesis --;Giovanni Bernardini, Domenico Ribatti, Gaia Spinetti, --;Lucia Morbidelli, Marina Ziche, Angela Santoni, --;Maurizio C. Capogrossi, and Monica Napolitano 223 --;19 Real Time In Vitro Assay for Studying Chemoattractant-Triggered --;Leukocyte Transendothelial Migration Under Physiological Flow --;Conditions --;Guy Cinamon and Ronen Alon 233 --;20 Generation of Monoclonal Antibodies Against Chemokine Receptors --;Leonor Kremer and Gabriel Marquez 243 --;21 Detection of High-Affinity ac4-Integrin Upon Leukocyte --;Stimulation by Chemoattractants or Chemokines --;Jason R. Chan and Myron I. Cybulsky 261.
Chemokines -- Laboratory manuals.
Chemokines -- Receptors -- Laboratory manuals.
Leucocytes -- Motility -- Laboratory manuals.
edited by Daniel D'Ambrosio and Francesco Sinigaglia.