edited by Wolfgang Eichhorn ; in cooperation with W. Erwin Diewert [and seven others].
1988 edition
x, 830 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 26 cm
Originally published: 1988.
I Methodology and Methods.- 'Cheaper by the Dozen': Twelve Functional Equations and their Applications to the 'Laws of Science' and to Measurement in Economics.- The Equation of Measurement.- The Solutions of Important Special Cases of the Equation of Measurement.- On a Functional Equation with Applications to Measurement in Economics.- II Prices.- The Precision of Consumer Price Indices Caused by the Sampling Variability of Budget Surveys; an Example.- On the Factorial Approach to Index Number Problems, Consumption Analysis and Orthogonal Decomposition of National Income: A Review.- Test Approaches to International Comparisons.- Production-Theoretic Input Price Indices and the Measurement of Real Aggregate Input Use.- Mean Value Properties of the Weights of Linear Price Indices.- Axiomatic Characterization of Statistical Price Indices.- A System of Functional Equations Considered by Krtscha.- A Probabilistic Model for Price Levels in Discontinuous Markets.- Weighting and Additivity Problems of Multilateral Comparison.- III Efficiency.- On the Definition of Efficiency Measures: A Note.- Efficiency Gains from Addition of Technologies: A Nonparametric Approach.- Efficiency Measures for Multiplant Firms with Limited Data.- Testing for Aggregation Bias in Efficiency Measurement.- On the Axiomatic Approach to the Measurement of Technical Efficiency.- IV Preferences.- On the Role of Income Compensation Functions as Money - Metric Utility Functions.- Algebra and Topology in Cardinal Utility Theory.- Binary Inversions and Transitive Majorities.- Evaluation Techniques for Paired Ratio-Comparison Matrices in a Hierachical Decision Model.- On the Effects of Bayesian Learning for a Risk-Averse Consumer.- Measurement by Public Opinion Polls and Consequences for Modelling Pure Competition.- Characterizations of Quasilinear Representations and Specified Forms of These.- V Quality.- A Measure or Index of Noxiousness.- Environmental Quality Indices: Problems, Concepts, Examples.- VI Inequality.- How to Retrieve the Lorenz Curve from Sparse Data.- Axiomatizations of the Entropy Numbers Equivalent Index of Industrial Concentration.- On the Decomposition of Inequality: Partitions into Nonoverlapping Sub-Groups.- On the Shannon - Theil Concentration Measure and its Characterizations.- Aggregation Issues in Inequality Measurement.- On the Construction of an Index of Bequest Behavior.- VII Taxation.- Risk-Taking Under Progressive Taxation: Three Partial Effects.- Measuring the Burden of Taxation: An Index Number Approach.- Net Fiscal Incidence Progressivity: Some Approaches to Measurement.- Distributional Equity and Measurement of Tax Progressivity.- Measures of Tax Progression - An Axiomatic Approach.- Equal Sacrifice in Taxation.- VIII Aggregation.- Consistent Commodity Aggregates in Market Demand Equations.- The Problem of Aggregation of Individual Economic Relations; Consistency and Representativity in a Historical Perspective.- Aggregation and Efficiency.- Separability and the Existence of Aggregates.- Nataf's Theorem, Taylor's Expansion and Homogeneity in Consumer Demand.- Consistent Aggregation of a General Equilibrium Model.- IX Econometrics.- The Concept of "Scale" and Related Topics in the Specification of Econometric Cost Functions: Theory and Application to Hospitals.- Theory and Measurement of Productivity and Cost Gaps: A Comparison for the Manufacturing Industry in US, Japan and Germany, 1960-1979.- Indices of Allocation Inefficiencies for Heterogeneous Labor.- On the Identification of Key Sectors: Critical Theoretical and Empirical Analysis of Key Sector Indices.- Testing Integrability Conditions in a Dynamic Framework.- Value-Added Total-Factor-Productivity Measurement: A Monte-Carlo Assessment.
Economics, Mathematical.
Prices -- Mathematical models.
edited by Wolfgang Eichhorn ; in cooperation with W. Erwin Diewert [and seven others].