Foundations of Knowledge Systems With Applications to Databases and Agents.
Wagner, Gerd.
Springer-Verlag New York Inc
List of Figures. List of Tables. Preface. Introduction. Part I: Tables and Objects. 1. Conceptual Modeling of Knowledge Bases. 2. Relational Databases. 3. Object-Relational Databases. Part II: Adding Rules. 4. Reaction Rules. 5. Deduction Rules. Part III: Positive Knowledge Systems: Concepts, Properties and Examples. 6. Principles of Positive Knowledge Systems. 7. Temporal Databases. 8. Fuzzy Databases. 9. Further Examples of Positive Knowledge Systems. Part IV: Admitting Negative Information: From Tables to Bitables. 10. Principles of Non-Positive Knowledge Systems. 11. Relational Factbases. 12. Possibilistic Databases. 13. Further Examples of Non-Positive Knowledge Systems. Part V: More on Reaction and Deduction Rules. 14. Communication and Cooperation. 15. Deductive Knowledge Systems. 16. Advanced Knowledge and Reasoning Services. Appendices: A. Partial Logics with Two Kinds of Negation. B. Compositional Possibilistic Logic. C. On the Logic of Temporally Qualified Information. References. Index.