Is the Geometry of Physical Space a Form of Pure Sensible Intuition? A Technical Reconstruction? Or a Structure of Reality? --;Relations between the Galilei-Invariant and the Lorentzinvariant Theories of Collisions --;Geometrie und Physik --;Kinematics as a Theory or Coincidences --;A Constructive-Axiomatic Approach to Physical Space and Spacetime Geometries of Constant Curvature by the Principle of Reproducibility --;Invariance and Covariance --;The Origin and Role of Invariance in Classical Kinematics --;The Significance of Physical Invariance Principles for the Measurement of Space-Time Quantities --;Outline of a Theory of System-Times --;Newton ab omni naevo vindicatus.
SUSSMANN 1982 University of Munich viii INTRODUCTION The distinct positions present at the symposium may be roughly divided into three schools that differ in their philosophical interpretation of physics and their meta- ..