1. Seapower and International Relations --;2. The (Critical) Geopolitics of Seapower --;3. Naval Forces as Vectors of Seapower --;4. Beyond National Security --;Maritime Power and Forces Projection --;5. Maritime Security and Safety : Securing, Policing and Protecting the Seas --;6. The Elements of the EU's Seapower --;7. The Naval and Maritime Dimension of the EU --;8. The EU's Geopolitical Discourse --;9. The EU's Maritime Frontier: The Concept --;10. The EU's Maritime Frontier: The Practice --;Conclusion: The Future of the EU's Seapower: Cruising the Seven Seas?
In an age of uncertainties influenced by information technologies and the networking of societies, the maritime domain remains the main global lane of communication, vital for trade and security.