edited by George L. Kovács, Peter Bertók, Géza Haidegger.
Boston, MA
Springer US
(xii, 556 pages)
IFIP - The International Federation for Information Processing, 77.
Modeling and Simulation --;1 Integration of Human Intent Model Descriptions in Product Models --;2 Product Data Management as a Key Component of Integrated Enterprise Information Systems --;3 Organizational Transformation and Process Modeling in Modern Telecommunications Companies --;4 Logical Communication Levels in an Intelligent Flexible Manufacturing System --;5 NC Program Simulation with the Capability of Generating Alternative Process Plan for Flexible Manufacturing --;6 A General Model of Auxiliary Processes in Manufacturing --;7 Modeling and Management of Production Networks --;Reverse Engineering and CAD --;8 A Framework for a CAD-Integrated Tolerance Optimisation System --;9 Integration of Cables in the Virtual Product Development Process --;10 Constrained Fitting --;a Key Issue in Reverse Engineering Conventional Parts --;11 Volumetric Tools For Machining Planning --;Life-Cycle Engineering --;12 A Net Based Solution for Lifecycle Engineering (Concepts and Requirements) --;13 Integration Issues on Combining Feature Technology and Life Cycle Assessment --;14 Integrating Life Cycle Aspects within Product Family Design: An Example for SMEs --;Process and Production Development --;15 Evaluation of Used-Parts Quality for Integration of the Inverse Manufacturing Process --;16 A Telecooperation Management System for Secure Data Conferencing in Distributed Product Development Processes --;17 New Product Development Process: Proposal for an Innovative Design Modelling Framework Including Actors Evaluation of Innovation Costs and Value --;Energy Sector, General Planning --;18 Towards the Workflow-enabled Civil Construction Enterprise Integration --;19 Bulgarian Experience in Use of Internet for Production and Business Applications --;20 Local Min.-Energy, F E Based Formulation for Well-Path Design --;Digital Factory --;21 From Digital Product Development to an Extended Digital Enterprise --;22 Sustaining the Introduction of Innovation in Digital Enterprises: Challenges and Demands from Small Medium Enterprises in the Italian Northeast Region --;23 A Planning and Management Infrastructure for Complex Distributed Organizations --;24 MERCI: Standards Based Exchange of Component Information to Support E-Business Applications --;Virtual Enterprises and Holonic Manufacturing --;25 Virtual Composite --;an Effective Tool of Research --;26 A Virtual Glovebox for the Digital Enterprise --;27 Web-based Information Models to Support Product Development in Virtual Enterprises --;28 Fractal Management Systems for Extended, Holonic Enterprises --;29 Service Federation in Virtual Organizations --;30 Functional Analysis and Synthesis of Modular Manufacturing Systems using the Holonic Theory: Application to Integrated Robotic Workcells --;31 A Social Actors Network Approach For The Design of Networked and Virtual Enterprises --;32 Virtual Enterprises and Security --;33 Intelligent Open CNC System Based on the Knowledge Server Concept --;Decision Support in Engineering + Genetic Algorithms --;34 An Ontology-Based Collaborative Framework for Decision Support in Engineering --;35 Order Management in Non-Hierarchical Production Networks using Genetic Algorithms --;36 Data Access Control In Virtual Organisations --;Role-Based Access Control Patterns --;37 Knowledge-Based CAD/CAPP/CAM Integration System For Manufacturing --;Supply Chain Management --;Manufacturing Management --;38 The Fabric Feeding Management for Automatic Clothing Manufacture --;39 Hierarchical Knowledge-Based Process Planning in Manufacturing --;40 Supply Chain Management in Agile Manufacturing Environment --;41 Communicating to a Manufacturing Device using MMS/CORBA --;42 ERP Interfaces for Enterprise Networks --;an XML Approach --;Multi-Agent Systems, Manufacturing Control --;43 Multi Agent Systems for Multi Enterprise Scheduling --;44 Valu.e-Networking --;Taking the e-conomy from vision to value! --;45 The Operating Models of Tomorrow Require New Control Concepts Today --;46 Solution of FMS Scheduling Problems Using the Hybrid Dynamical Approach --;Robotics --;47 Simulation of Robot Arm Actions Realized by Using Discrete Event Simulation Method in LabVIEW --;48 Robotic Equipment for Deep-sea Operation: Digital Mock-up and Assessment --;49 Assisted Mails Sorting and Forwarding Stands: Performance Analysis and Ergonomic Assessment --;Index of contributors.
This volume contains case studies, theoretical papers and project development reports on one of the greatest challenges facing the new digital enterprises: the life cycle approach to management and production. Main issues discussed in the book include CAD/CAM/CIM/CAE, intelligent manufacturing, and control and robotics applications.
Computer-aided design.
Information Systems.
edited by George L. Kovács, Peter Bertók, Géza Haidegger.