The Effectiveness of Methadone Maintenance Treatment :
Patients, Programs, Services, and Outcome
by John C. Ball, Alan Ross.
New York, NY
Springer New York
(xiv, 283 pages 11 illustrations)
1 Status of Methadone Maintenance Treatment and Research in the United States --;Current Status of Methadone Maintenance Treatment --;The AIDS Era --;Prior Research and Treatment Evaluation of Methadone Maintenance --;The 'Black Box' of Methadone Maintenance Treatment --;Four-Domain Schema for Treatment Evaluation --;Conclusion --;References --;2 Research Plan and Data Collection Procedure at the Programs --;Objective of the Study --;Development of the Research Design --;Data Collection at the Programs --;Collecting Treatment Domain and Output Data in 1985 --;Patient Interviews in 1985 and 1986 --;Treatment Domain Data Collection in 1986 --;Record Data Collection and Assessment in 1986 --;Other Sources of Data --;Conclusion --;References --;3 Pretreatment Characteristics of 617 Male Methadone Maintenance Patients --;Characteristics of the Addict Patients --;Commonality Among the Addict Patients --;Conclusion --;References --;4 Candid Descriptions of the Six Programs --;On-Site Data Collection During 3 Years --;The Six Programs --;Discussion --;References --;5 Treatment Domain --;Elements of the Treatment Domain --;Measurement of the Treatment Domain --;Additional Areas of Measurement --;Conclusion --;6 Treatment and Rehabilitation Provided to Patients at the Six Programs in 1985 & 1986 --;Measurement of Services Provided --;Daily Hours of Operation --;Methadone Dispensing Practices at the Six Programs --;Urinalysis --;Counseling Services --;Medical Services --;Year to Year Change in the Provision of Treatment Services --;Overview of Measurement and Assessment --;Conclusion --;7 Reduction in Drug Abuse During Methadone Maintenance Treatment --;Issues and Plan of Analysis --;Pretreatment Drug Abuse Prevalence --;Reduction in Drug Abuse During Methadone Maintenance Treatment --;Differences Among the Six Programs in Reducing IV Drug Use --;Discussion --;Conclusion --;References --;8 Follow-up Study of 105 Patients Who Left Treatment --;Rates of Retention in Treatment --;Follow-up of Patients Who Left Treatment --;Relapse to IV Drug Use After Treatment --;Discussion --;Conclusion --;References --;9 Prevalence and Change in Psychiatric Symptomatology Among Methadone Maintenance Patients --;Lifetime Prevalence of Psychiatric Symptoms --;Recent Psychiatric Symptoms --;Psychiatric Severity Composite Scores by Time in Treatment --;Discussion --;References --;10 Reduction of Crime Through Methadone Maintenance Treatment --;Measurement of Crime Among Heroin Addicts --;Pretreatment Criminality of Addict Patients --;Reduction in Crime During Methadone Maintenance Treatment --;Discussion --;References --;11 Treatment Success: Association With Patient Baseline, Program Elements, and In-treatment Process --;Research Questions Addressed --;The Data --;Patient Groups --;Statistical Procedures --;Findings: Outcomes and Independent Variables --;Discussion and Conclusion --;References --;12 Summation of Findings and Conclusion --;Obtaining Comprehensive Program Data --;Interviewing Patients at the Six Programs --;Candid Program Descriptions --;Treatment Domain --;Treatment Provided --;Determination of Effectiveness --;Reduction in Crime --;Multivariate Analysis --;Local Environment and City --;Conclusion --;References --;Appendix A: 89 Measures of the Treatment Domain --;Appendix C: Further Analysis with Regard to Chapter 11.
Legislators, journalists and concerned citizens in general, when consider- ing what to do about the plague of heroin addiction in large cities, ask an obvious question: "Is methadone treatment effective?"