1. Rebel --;2. Onlooker --;3. Participant --;4. Ideologue --;The Critique --;5. Ideologue --;The Positive Formulation --;6. Politician --;7. Knight-Errant --;Appendices --;A. Le Plan du Travail --;B. 'Les Thèses de Pontigny' --;C. Programme du 19 juin 1940 --;D. The Official Accusation --;E. Exchange of Letters Between de Man and Mussolini --;F. Summary of Political Reforms Urged by de Man in 1939 --;Primary --;Secondary.
To recall all those who have contributed to the genesis of the present work involves pleasant reminiscence. The grey skies of Belgium come to mind with the acknowledgment that without the aid of two United States Government (Fulbright) Grants the study would have been stillborn. Both Dorothy Deflandre, Executive Officer of the U.S. Educational Foundation in Belgium, and Henri Janne, then Director of the Institut de Sociologie Solvay, used their official powers to facilitate the process of research. Another scene, equally impressed upon the memory - the placid setting of Amsterdam's Keizersgracht - arises with therecollectionofthe courtesy of the Internationaal Instituut voor Soci ale Geschiedenis, whose director, the late A.J.C. Rüter, kindly granted me access to the de Man archives. I take pleasure also in acknowledging financial support from the Research Foundation of the State University of New York, whereby I could investigate further materials later made available at the Archives Generales du Royaume in Brussels.