Design and Implementation for Advanced Applications
by Hiroshi Ishikawa.
Springer Japan
(xviii, 164 pages 38 illustrations)
Computer science workbench.
1. Introduction --;1.1 Motivation --;1.2 Overview --;2. Data Model --;2.1 Object Semantics --;2.2 Classification and Generalization --;2.3 System-Defined Classes --;2.4 More Formal Semantics --;3. Database Programming Language --;3.1 Set-Oriented Access --;3.2 More Formal Semantics --;3.3 Singleton Access and Object Variables --;3.4 Procedural Attribute and Demon Definition --;3.5 Miscellaneous Operations --;4. Implementation --;4.1 System Architecture --;4.2 Data Management Subsystem --;4.3 Object Management Subsystem --;5. Artificial Intelligence Applications --;5.1 Introduction --;5.2 System Overview --;5.3 World Model Design --;5.4 Semantic Interpretation --;5.5 Query Translation --;5.6 Conclusion --;6. Hypermedia Applications --;6.1 Introduction --;6.2 Current Hypermedia Systems --;6.3 Data Model --;6.4 Database Programming Language --;6.5 Application of Jasmine --;6.6 Conclusion --;7. Engineering Applications --;7.1 Introduction --;7.2 Object-Oriented Database --;7.3 Issues for Engineering Tasks --;7.4 Design Data Management --;7.5 Intelligent CAD Support --;7.6 Engineering Information Management --;7.7 Conclusion --;8. Conclusion --;8.1 Related Work --;8.2 Summary --;A Query Expression Syntax.
Computer Science Workbench is a monograph series which will provide you with an in- depth working knowledge of current developments in computer technology.