G.E. Moore on Common Sense and the External World --;Crimes Against Common Sense --;Object and Objectivity --;Formal Qualities --;A Formal Analysis of Cognition and Knowledge --;Ostensive Definition as a Prototype of Real Definition --;Opposition, Obversion and Duality --;On a Sequence of Contradiction-Tolerating Logics --;On Truth --;Brentano on 'Unconscious Consciousness' --;Kant's Complaint of a Wretched Subterfuge --;Social Planning, Constitutionalism and Pluralistic Sequentialism --;Index of Names.
Scholars from all the continents have written articles to celebrate the seventieth birthday of Jan Srzednicki, a thinker still at the height of his powers. Srzednicki's scientific work alternates between problems of Austrian and German philosophy and questions of political philosophy.