edited by Marisa O. Ensor and Elżbieta M. Goździak.
Basingstoke ; New York
Palgrave Macmillan
(xv, 287 pages) : illustrations
Introduction: migrant children at the crossroads --;Part I Understanding migrant children: research, voice, and representation --;Understanding migrant children: conceptualizations, approaches, and issues / Marisa O. Ensor --;Migrant children in Haiti: domestic labor andthe politics of representation / Diane M. Hoffman --;At the crossroads of childhood, media, and migration / Liesbeth de Block ; David Buckingham --;Part II Reviewing policies: taking responsibility for the rights of migrant children --;The production of criminal migrant children: surveillance, detention, and deportation in France / Susan J. Terrio --;Protecting the rights of internally displace children / Elizabeth G. Ferris --;Without face or future: stateless infants, children, and youth / Maureen Lynch --;Part III: Rethinking practices: creating spaces of agency --;Unaccompanied minors at the crossroads in British Columbia: migration and trafficking / Robin E. Pike ; Cynthia C.L. Field --;In the best interest of the child: perceptions, responses, and challenges in providing assistance to trafficked children in the United States / Elżbieta M. Goździak --;Social mobility in children's mobility? an investigation into child circulation among the Maasai of Kenya / Caroline Archambault ; Joost de Laat --;Part IV Searching for new opportunities: working and learning in a new land --;Migrating with honor: sites of agency and power in child labor migration in Bangladesh / Karin Heissler --;Transnational students' perspectives on schooling in the United States and Mexico: the salience of school experience and country of birth / Edmund T. Hamann ; Victor Zúñiga ; Juan Sánchez García --;Children of migrant heritage and equality of opportunity in France / Leslie J. Limage --;The way forward: conclusions and recommendations.
Providing a comprehensive analysis of the increasingly common phenomenon of child migration, this volume examines the experiences of children in a wide variety of migratory circumstances including economic child migrants, transnational students, trafficked, stateless, fostered, unaccompanied and undocumented children.
Emigration and immigration -- Social aspects.
Immigrant children -- Services for.
Immigrant children -- Social conditions.
edited by Marisa O. Ensor and Elżbieta M. Goździak.