Reproductive Biology and Early Life History of Fishes in the.
Thomas P Simon
CRC Press
(228 pages)
Front cover; Foreword; Preface; Acknowledgments; List of Abbreviations; GLOSSARY OF TERMS; Contents; Reproductive Biology and Early Life History of Fishes in the Ohio River Drainage:; Distinguishing Characteristics; Taxonomic Diagnosis of; Intergeneric Diagnosis; INTRAGENERIC DIAGNOSIS; WHITE CATFISH; Black Bullhead; Yellow; Bullhead; Brown; Bullhead; FLAT BULLHEAD; BLUE CATFISH; CHANNEL CATFISH; Smoky Madtom; ELEGANT MADTOM; MOUNTAIN MADTOM; SLENDER MADTOM; YELLOWFIN MADTOM; STONECAT; TADPOLE MADTOM; MARGINED MADTOM; BRINDLED MADTOM; FRECKLED MADTOM; BROWN MADTOM; PYGMY MADTOM. NORTHERN MADTOMSCIOTO MADTOM; FLATHEAD; CATFISH; BIBLIOGRAPHY; APPENDIX.
This series fills immense gaps in knowledge of issues related to early life development of fishes in the Ohio basin. Volume I includes familes Acipenseridae to Esocidae, Volume II includes the Catostomidae, while Volume III addresses the developmental and morphological issues of catfish and madtoms. This volume describes the characteristics of the Ictaluridae family, and provides a detailed pictorial guide. Subtopics within each species description includes range, distribution, occurrence, spawning, eggs, development, ecology of early life phases, and more. This book serves as both a ready gu.