Information and Communication Technology and the Teacher of the Future Ifip Tc3
Wg3.1 & Wg3.3 Working Conference on Ict and the Teacher of the Future January 27-31, 2003, Melbourne, Australia.
Springer Verlag
Melbourne 2003 Committees. Melbourne 2003 Sponsors. Preface; C. Dowling, Kwok-Wing Lai. Section 1: Setting the Scene - The Keynote Addresses. The Teaching Profession: A Networked Profession in New Networked Environments; B. Cornu. Designing Learning Experiences: Supporting Teachers in the Process of Technology Change; B. Harper. The Teacher - A Forgotten Stakeholder? D. Watson. Section 2: The Teacher of the Future as a Professional. ICT, National Policies, and their Impact on Schools and Teachers' Development; R.M. Bottino. Using an Educational Consensus to Reach Educational Technology Tipping Point; R. Carlsen. Path to the Future: Generative Evaluation for Simultaneous Renewal of ICT in Teacher Education and K-12 Schools; N. Davis, M. Kemis, N. Johnson. ICT and Future Teachers: Are We Preparing for E-learning? A. Jones. Developing a European Pioneer Teacher Community for School Innovation; V. Midoro, S. Bocconi, A. Martin, F. Pozzi, L. Sarti. A New Qualification and Certification for Specialist ICT Teachers; S. Schubert. In Service Teacher Development Using ICT: First Step in Lifelong Learning; J.A. Valente. Raising the Standards: ICT and the Teacher of the Future; I. Webb, T. Downes. Professional Development Needs of Teachers Managing Self-Guided Learning; W. Weber. Reports of Focus Group Discussions: Group A- The Teacher as a Professional: Fostering Professionalism; Chair: R. Morel. Rapporteur: P. Nicholson. Group B- The Professional Teacher: Contexts, Capabilities and Competencies; Chair: S. Schubert, Rapporteur: T. Downes. Section 3: Classroom Roles of the Teacher of the Future. Developing ICT Leadership Skills for Teachers ofthe Future; D. Chambers. The Effects of Attitudes, Pedagogical Practices and Teachers' Roles on the Incorporation of ICT into the School Curriculum; M. Cox. From Facilitator to Knowledge-Builder: A New Role for the Teacher of the Future; E. Hartnell-Young. Teacher Empowerment and Minimalist Design; Wing-Wah Ki, A. Ling-Sung Chung, Ho-Cheong Lam. Innovative Classroom Practices and the Teacher of the Future; N. Law. From Teacher Education to Professional Development for E-learning in an E-society; R. Morel, J.-C. Domenjoz, C. Lachat, C. Rossi. Technology Matters But Good Teachers Matter More; G. Romeo. Reports of Focus Group Discussions: Group C- The Role of the Teacher; Chair: M. Cox. Rapporteur: S. Kennewell. Group D- The Role of Teachers: Lifelong Learners in a Community of Practice; Chair: W. Weber. Rapporteur: T. Haaksma. Section 4: Teaching and Learning Environments of the Future. Mathematical Teaching and Learning Environment Mediated by ICT; G. Chiappini, B. Pedemonte, E. Robotti. Distant Actors on a Digital Campus, or Sharing and Crumbling Pedagogical Responsibility; H. Godinet. ICT and the Quality of Teaching: Some Hungarian Results of the OECD ICT Project; A. Karpati. Developing Research Models for ICT-Based Pedagogy; S. Kennewell. Technology Access: Resources Wasted in Computer Laboratories; K. Kiili. Teacher in the Mobile World; J. Multisilta, H. Keiho, H. Ketamo. Using Portable Computer Technologies to Support Learning Environments; P. Newhouse. E-Learning, ICT, and Learning Portals for Schools; F. Ruiz Tarrago. Slash 21: A New School and a New Way of Learning; H. van Dieten. Reports of Focus Group Discussions: Group
Wg3.1 & Wg3.3 Working Conference on Ict and the Teacher of the Future January 27-31, 2003, Melbourne, Australia.