a New Multifunctional Peptide in the Neuro-endocrine System
edited by Tomas Hökfelt, Tamas Bartfai, David Jacobowitz, David Ottoson.
London Macmillan Education UK Imprint
(XVII, 433 pages)
Wenner-Gren Center international symposium series.
PART 1 DISCOVERY, BIOCHEMISTRY AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY Discovery of Galanin; V. Mutt On the Solution Structure of Galanin; R. Rigler et al Cloning and Expression of Porcine and Bovine Galanin; .R kaeus & J.A. Waschek Galanin Gene Expression; M.E. Vrontakis et al Neuroendocrine Regulation of Galanin Gene Expression; L.M. Kaplan et al --;PART 2 DISTRIBUTION OF GALANIN AND ITS RECEPTORS IN CNS AND PNS Localization of Galanin Cell Bodies in the Brain by Immunocytochemistry and in situ hybridization histochemistry; D.M. Jacobowitz & G. Skofitsch Distribution of Galanin Binding Sites in the Central Nervous System; G. Skofitsch & D.M. Jacobowitz Coexistence of Galanin-Like Immunoreactivity with Classical Transmitters and Other Neuropeptides in the CNS; T. Melander et al Galanin: Distribution, Ontogeny and Expression Following Manipulation of the Endocrine and Nervous Systems; J.M. Polak et al Galanin in Enteric Neurons; E. Ekblad et al --;PART 3 GALANIN AND PANCREAS An Overview of Galanin's Actions on the Endocrine Pancreas; T.J. McDonald et al Galanin and the Regulation of Insulin Secretion; B. Ahr n & S. Lindskog Structure Function Relationships of Galanin; N. Yanaihara et al --;PART 4 RECEPTORS AND SECOND MESSENGERS The Galanin Receptor: Functional and Molecular Characterization in the Pancreatic Beta Cell; B. Amiranoff et al Galanin Receptor Ligands in the Hippocampus: Galanin, N-Terminal Galanin Fragments and Analogues; G. Fisone et al Galanin/5-HT Interactions in the Rat Central Nervous System, Relevance for Depression; K. Fuxe et al Galanin Inhibits Beta-Cell Electrical Activity by a G-Protein-Regulated Sulphonylurea-Insensitive Mechanism; K.W hlander et al Galanin Regulation of Acetylocholine Release and Carbachol-Stimulated Phosphoinositide Turnover in Rat Ventral Hippocampus; S. Consolo et al --;PART 5 FUNCTIONAL AND EXPERIMENTAL STUDIES: PERIPHERAL AND CENTRAL SYSTEMS Galanin in a Parasympathetic Ganglion; L.M. Konopka et al Galanin and Gastrointestinal Function; J.-A.E.T. Fox-Threlkeld Galanin in Primary Senory Neurons: Response to Lesions; M.J. Villar et al Galanin in Sensory Functions; Z. Wiesenfeld-Hallin et al --;PART 6 GALANIN IN THE NEURO-ENDOCRINE SYSTEM Role of Galanin in Control of Hypothalamic Pituitary Function; S.M. McCann et al Role of Galanin in Prolactin and Growth Hormone Secretion in Rats; A. Shimatsu et al On the Interactions of Galanin within the Hypothalamic-Pituitary Axis of the Rat; J.I. Koenig et al Galanin and the Control of Growth Hormone Secretation in Man; S.G. Gilbey et al --;PART 7 GALANIN IN THE CNS: MECHANISM OF ACTION, BEHAVIOUR AND DISEASES The Functions of Galanin in the Septo-Hippocampal System of the Adult and the Aged Rat: Electrophysiological and Anatomical Observations; Y. Lamour et al Galanin Reduces Anoxic Release of Glutamate by an Action on ATP-Sensitive KV Channels; Y. Ben-Ari Behavioural Actions of Galanin and Galanin Fragments; J.N. Crawley et al Hypothalamic Galanin in Relation to Feeding Behaviour and Endocrine Systems; S.L. Leibowitz Galanin in the Primate CNS and Dementing Neurologic Diseases; M.F. Beal Senile Dementia of the Alzheimer Type is Accompanied by Hypertrophy of Galanin Axons, Preservation of Receptors and Tissue Specific Expression of the Galanin Gene in the Nucleus Basalis Meynert; V. Chan-Palay et al --;Index.
This is the first-ever book dedicated solely to Galanin. It covers Galanin's biochemistry, distribution, receptors, neuro-endocrinology and functions within the nervous system.
Human physiology.
edited by Tomas Hökfelt, Tamas Bartfai, David Jacobowitz, David Ottoson.