Proceedings of the XIIIth World Congress of Neurology Hamburg, September 1-6, 1985
edited by Klaus Poeck, Hans-Joachim Freund, Heinz Gänshirt.
Berlin, Heidelberg
Springer Berlin Heidelberg
On the Dynamics Between Growth and Decline in the Aging of Intelligence and Memory --;1 The Dementias --;Clinical Aspects of the Dementias --;Historical Overview of the Dementias --;The Descriptive Epidemiology of the Dementias --;Clinical Presentation of the Dementias --;The Evolution of the Diagnosis of Dementia: Past, Present and Future --;Brain Imaging in the Assessment of the Dementias --;Neuropsychological Approach to Dementia --;Clinical Management of the American Patient with Dementia --;Clinical Management in Europe of Patients with Dementia --;Research Issues in Alzheimer's Disease --;Analytic Epidemiology and Risk Factors in Alzheimer's Disease --;Classical and Modern Neuropathological Approaches to Alzheimer's Disease --;Structural Proteins in Alzheimer's Disease --;Energy Metabolism and Neurotransmitters in Alzheimer's Disease --;Differential Cell Loss in (Peptide) Neurons in the Anterior Hypothalamus with Aging and Alzheimer's Disease: Lack of Changes in Cell Density --;The Dementias: A View to the Future --;The Dementias: A View to the Future --;2 Brain and Behavior --;Mechanisms of Attention and Attentional Disorders. Session in Honor of the Late Dr. Norman Geschwind --;The Impact of Dr. Geschwind's Work on Neuropsychology --;Anatomical Basis of Spatial Attention --;The Contribution of Electrophysiology to the Study of Attention --;Representational Impairment as a Factor in Neglect --;Disorders of Visual Perception and Recognition --;Cortical and Subcortical Mechanisms of Visual Perception --;Visual Agnosia for Objects --;Disorders of Face Recognition --;Recovery of Visual Field in Patients with Postgeniculate Damage --;Memory and its Disorders --;Is Vascular Thalamic Amnesia a Disconnection Syndrome? --;What Amnesics Can and Can Not Do --;3 Neuroepidemiology and Clinical Trials --;Neuroepidemiology --;Neuroepidemiology as the Basis of Scientific Clinical Neurology --;Epidemiology of Cerebrovascular Disease: International Patterns --;Cerebrovascular Risk Factors --;Epidemiology of Epilepsy --;Epidemiology of Head Injury --;Discussion --;Environmental vs. Genetic Factors in Ischemic Cerebrovascular Disease --;Case-Control Study of Focal Cerebral Ischemia in Young Adults --;Guillain-Barré Syndrome Following (A/New Jersey/76) Influenza (Swine Flu) Vaccine: Epidemic or Artifact? --;Epidemiology of Head Injury: Future Perspective --;Epidemiology of Peripheral Neuropathies --;Epidemiology of Parkinson's Disease --;Epidemiology of Multiple Sclerosis --;Overview of Motor Neuron Disease --;Discussion --;Epidemiology of Peripheral Neuropathies --;Epidemiology of Parkinson's Disease --;Relevance of the Risk Factors --;Discussion on Epidemiology of Motor Neurone Disease --;Clinical Trials --;Clinical Trials Relating to Epilepsy --;Clinical Trials Relating to Head Injury --;Clinical Trials Relating to Peripheral Neuropathy --;Discussion --;The European Stroke Prevention Study --;Clinical Trials Relating to Epilepsy --;Controlled Clinical Trials of Head Injury --;Discussion of Clinical Trials Relating to Peripheral Neuropathies --;Parkinson's Disease: Clinical Trials --;Clinical Trials Relating to Multiple Sclerosis --;The Clinical Relevance of Neuroepidemiology --;Discussion --;Clinical Trials in Parkinson's Disease --;Discussion on Kurtzke's: Clinical Trials in Multiple Sclerosis --;4 Neuroimaging --;Neuroimaging: Preface --;Impact of Computerized Tomography in Neurology --;Transition from Computer Tomography to Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Scanning --;Correlative Neuropathology in Neuroimaging --;Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Central Nervous System --;Positron Emission Tomography and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Imaging: New Perspectives in Neuroimaging --;Positron Emission Tomography with Oxygen-15 Radiopharmaceuticals --;PET Studies of Local Brain Metabolism During Sensory and Motor Tasks: Strategies, Results and Applications in Neurologic and Psychiatric Diseases --;Functional and Morphological Evaluation of the Cerebral Circulation by Ultrasound --;Application of Digital Subtraction Angiography in Neurological Disorders --;Neuroimaging Using Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and Computerized Tomography in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis, Idiopathic Optic Neuritis, and Systemic Lupus Erythematosus --;CT and MRI Diagnoses of Intracranial Tumours Compared with the Results of Stereotactic Biopsy --;Autoradiographic Distributions of Neurotransmitter Receptors in the Brain of Patients with Parkinson's Disease and MPTP-induced Monkey Parkinsonism --;Economics of Modern Brain Imaging Techniques.
edited by Klaus Poeck, Hans-Joachim Freund, Heinz Gänshirt.