1 Content Analysis: Overview of a Measurement Method.- Theoretical Issues and Modern Historical Development.- 2 Behavioral Text and Psychological Context: On Pragmatic Verbal Behavior Analysis.- 3 Research Using the Gottschalk-Gleser Content Analysis Scales in English Since 1969.- 4 Studies Proving the Validity of the Gottschalk-Gleser Content Analysis Scales in German-Speaking Countries.- 5 Assessment of Psychological States Through Content Analysis of Verbal Communications.- Recent Procedural and Technical Contributions.- 6 An Interpersonal Measure of Hostility Based on Speech Context.- 7 Microcomputers as Aids to Avoid Error in Gottschalk-Gleser Rating.- 8 A Depression Scale Applicable to Verbal Samples.- 9 Content Analysis of Verbal Behavior in Psychotherapy Research: A Comparison Between Two Methods.- Some Applications of Verbal Behavior Analysis to the Clinical Sciences.- 10 Use of the Gottschalk-Gleser Verbal Content Analysis Scales with Medically Ill Patients.- 11 Affective Content of Speech and Treatment of Outcome in Bruxism.- 12 Psychological States in Patients with Diabetes Mellitus.- 13 Emotional Impact of Mastectomy.- 14 Some Sources of Alienation for Drug Addicts.- 15 Content Analysis of Speech of Schizophrenic and Control Adoptees and Their Relatives: Preliminary Results.- 16 Alexithymia and Affective Verbal Behavior of Psychosomatic Patients and Controls.- 17 Expression of Positive Emotion by People Who Are Physically Ill: Is It Evidence of Defending or Coping?.- 18 Affective Content of Speech as a Predictor of Psychotherapy Outcome.- 19 Aggressiveness in Psychotherapy and Its Relationship with the Patient's Change: An Adaptation of the Gottschalk-Gleser Hostility Scales to the Portuguese Language.- 20 A Preliminary Report on Antidepressant Therapy and Its Effect on Hope and Immunity.- 21 The Pharmacokinetics of Some Psychoactive Drugs and Relationships to Clinical Response.- Author Index.