1. Language Planning and Microlinguistics: Introduction; Winifred V. Davies and Evelyn Ziegler --;PART I: EDUCATION --;2. Bilingual Kindergarten Programmes: The Interaction of Language Management and Language Attitudes; Astrid Rothe and Katarina Wagner --;3. Language Planning and Standardization in a Minority Language Context: A Case Study of Rumantsch Grischun in Switzerland; Raphael Berthele --;4. German at Secondary Schools in Luxembourg: The Implementation of Macro-level Language Policies on the Micro Level of the Luxembourgish German-language Classroom; Melanie Wagner --;5. The German Standard Variety at Czech Universities in the Light of Decision-making Processes of Language Management; V̕t Dovalil --;PART II: PRACTICE --;6. Top₆down or Bottom-up? Understanding Diffusion of Supralocal Norms in France; Damien Hall and David Hornsby --;7. From Status to Corpus: Codification and Implementation of Spelling Norms in Luxembourgish; Peter Gilles --;8. The Danish Plain Language Ideology ₆ From a Macro- and Micro-level Perspective; Anne Kjaergaard --;PART III: IDEOLOGY AND ATTITUDES --;9. Metalinguistic Awareness of Standard vs. Standard Usage: The Case of Determiners in Spoken German; Arnulf Deppermann, Ralf Kn̲bl and Alexander Koplenig --;10. Language Management in the Japanese Workplace; Lisa Fairbrother --;11. The Role of Meso- and Micro-level Language Policy in the Revitalization of Occitan in France; Laura Carmel Diver --;12. Lessons We Have Learnt from Language Planning and Microlinguistics and Directions for Future Research; Winifred V. Davies and Evelyn Ziegler
Whilst earlier studies of language planning and of standardisation have tended to study macro processes, this volume is in line with more recent work aimed at bridging the macro and the micro levels by examining how the two interact and influence each other. It covers seven countries and deals with a range of sociolinguistic constellations.