power and citizenship in American politics, the Essentials
Christine Barbour, Gerald C. Wright.
Seventh edition
Washington D.C.
CQ Press
xxxvii, 590 pages : color illustrations ; 28 cm
Chapter 1: Politics: Who Gets What, And How? What is Politics? Political Systems and the Concept of Citizenship Origins of Democracy in America Citizenship in America America Citizenship Today Thinking Critically About American PoliticsChapter 2: American Citizens And Political Culture Who is an American? The Ideas That Unite Us The Ideas That Divide Us The Citizens and American Political BeliefsChapter 3: Politics Of The American Founding Politics in the English Colonies The Split From England The Articles of Confederation The Constitutional Convention Ratification The Citizens and the FoundingChapter 4: Federalism And The U.S. Constitution The Three Branches of Government Separation of Powers and Checks and Balances Federalism Amending the Constitution The Citizens and the ConstitutionChapter 5: Fundamental American Liberties Rights in a Democracy The Bill of Rights and Incorporation Freedom of Religion Freedom of Expression The Right to Bear Arms The Rights of Criminal Defendants The Right to Privacy The Citizens and Civil LibertiesChapter 6: The Struggle For Equal Rights The Meaning of Political Inequality Rights Denied on the Basis of Race Rights Denied on the Basis of Race and Ethnicity Rights Denied on the Basis of Gender Rights Denied on Other Bases The Citizens and Civil RightsChapter 7: Congress Understanding Congress Congressional Powers and Responsibilities Congressional Elections Congressional Organization How Congress Works The Citizens and CongressChapter 8: The Presidency The Double Expectations Gap The Evolution of the American Presidency Presidential Politics Managing the Presidential Establishment The Presidential Personality The Citizens and the PresidencyChapter 9: The Bureaucracy What is Bureaucracy? The American Federal Bureaucracy Politics inside the Bureaucracy External Bureaucratic Politics The Citizens and the BureaucracyChapter 10: The American Legal System And The Courts Law and the American Legal System Constitutional Provisions and the Development of Judicial Review Federalism and the American Courts The Supreme Court The Citizens and the CourtsChapter 11: Public Opinion The Role of Public Opinion in a Democracy Citizen Values What Influences Our Opinions About Politics? Measuring and Tracking Public Opinion The Citizens and Public OpinionChapter 12: Political Parties What Are Political Parties? Do American Parties Offer Voters a Choice? The History of Parties in America What Do Parties Do? Characteristics of the American Party System The Citizens and Political PartiesChapter 13: Interest Groups The Role and Formation of Interest Groups Types of Interest Groups Interest Group Politics Interest Group Resources The Citizens and Interest GroupsChapter 14: Voting, Campaigns, And Elections Voting in a Democratic Society Exercising the Right to Vote in America How the Voter Decides Presidential Campaigns The Citizens and ElectionsChapter 15: The Media Where Do We Get Our Information? Who Owns the Media, and How Does That Affect Our News? Who Are the Journalists? The Media and Politics The Citizens and the Media
Politics and government.
United States -- Politics and government -- Textbooks.