Origin, Evolution, and Modern Aspects of Biomineralization in Plants and Animals
Crick, Rex E.
Softcover reprint of the original 1st ed. 1989
[Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar]
Springer-Verlag New York Inc.
548 Seiten
Ocean Chemistry: Its History and Relationship to Biomineralization Systems.- Some Factors Influencing Biomineralization in Earth History.- Biomineralization and Tentative Links to Plate Tectonics.- The Soda Ocean Concept and Its Bearing on Biotic Evolution.- Organismic Autonomy in Biomineralization Processes.- Biomineralization Mechanisms.- Biomineralization within the Invertebrates.- The Evolution of Mineral Skeletons.- Evolution of Biomineralization Systems within the Cephalopoda.- Tidally Deposited Bands in Shells of Barnacles and Molluscs.- Silicification Processes in Sponges: Geodia Asters and the Problem of Morphogenesis of Spicule Shape.- The Style and Structure of Biomineralization: Ancient & Modern.- Structure of Molluscan Prismatic Shell Layers.- Architecture and Chemical Composition of the Magnetite-bearing Layer in the Radula Teeth of Chiton olivaceus (Polyplacophora).- Calcium Binding Substance in the Hermatypic Coral Acropora hebes (Dana).- Skeletal Organization in Caribbean Acropora Spp. (Lamarck).- Calcite Centers of Calcification in Mussa angulosa (Scleractinia).- Extra-, Inter-, and Intracellular Mineralization in Invertebrates and Algae.- Ultrastructural and Protein Aspects of Apatite Formation in Vertebrate Hard Tissues.- Role of Phosphate in Biomineralization.- The Phosphatic Mode of Calcification in Ontogeny and Phylogeny of the Integument and Skeleton of Vertebrates.- Low Temperature Carbonate Phosphate Materials or the Carbonate-apatite Problem: A Review.- Phosphorus and the Ferritin Iron Core: Function-Balanced Biomineralization.- The Role of Inorganic Phosphate in Iron Oxide Biomineralization.- High Capacity Calcium-binding Proteins as Intermediate Calcium Carriers in Biological Mineralization.- Organic Chemistry and Calcification.- Morphology and Biomineralization: A Carbonate Model.- Mineral Induction by the Soluble Matrix from Molluscan Shells.- Composition and Association of Organic Matter with Calcium Carbonate and the Origin of Calcification.- The Proteins in the Shell of Lingula.- Amino Acids in Planktonic Foraminifera: Are They Phylogenetically Useful?.- Ontogenetic Variations in the Distribution of Ca And Mg in Skeletal Tissues of Vertebrates and Invertebrates.- Inorganic and Isotope Chemistry of Biominerals.- Strontium Is Required in Artificial Seawater for Embryonic Shell Formation in Two Species of Bivalve Molluscs.- Form and Function of Calcium Concretions in Unionids.- Trace Metal Concentration in Fossil and Recent Shells of the Arctic Infaunal Bivalve, Mya truncata L..- Function of Molluscan Statocysts.- Biomineralization in the Fungi, Plantae, Monera and Protista.- Calcification in Higher Plants with Special Reference to Cystoliths.- Aspects of Biological Silicification.- Systems of Biomineralization in the Fungi.- Growth and Calcification of Calothrix - Dominated Oncolites from Northern England.- Peridial Calcification in the Myxomycetes.- Manganese Transformations by Marine Bacillus Species.- The Effect of Magnetotactic Bacteria on the Magnetic Properties of Marine Sediments.- Silica Precipitation Induced by the Anaerobic Sulfate Reducing Bacterium Desulfovibrio desulfuricans: Effects upon Cell Morphology and Implications for Preservation.- Model for Prokaryotic Calcification.- Contributors.