The Feynman lectures on physics. Volume I, Mainly mechanics, radiation and heat
Feynman, Leighton, Sands.
New millennium edition
New York
Basic Books
(536 pages) : illustrations
Chapter 1. Atoms in Motion; Introduction; Matter is made of atoms; Atomic processes; Chemical reactions; Chapter 2. Basic Physics; Introduction; Physics before 1920; Quantum physics; Nuclei and particles; Chapter 3. The Relation of Physics to Other Sciences; Introduction; Chemistry; Biology; Astronomy; Geology; Psychology; How did it get that way?; Chapter 4. Conservation of Energy; What is energy?; Gravitational potential energy; Kinetic energy; Other forms of energy; Chapter 5. Time and Distance; Motion; Time; Short times; Long times; Units and standards of time; Large distances. Short distancesChapter 6. Probability; Chance and likelihood; Fluctuations; The random walk; A probability distribution; The uncertainty principle; Chapter 7. The Theory of Gravitation; Planetary motions; Kepler's laws; Development of dynamics; Newton's law of gravitation; Universal gravitation; Cavendish's experiment; What is gravity?; Gravity and relativity; Chapter 8. Motion; Description of motion; Speed; Speed as a derivative; Distance as an integral; Acceleration; Chapter 9. Newton's Laws of Dynamics; Momentum and force; Speed and velocity; Components of velocity, acceleration, and force. What is the force?Meaning of the dynamical equations; Numerical solution of the equations; Planetary motions; Chapter 10. Conservation of Momentum; Newton's Third Law; Conservation of momentum; Momentum is conserved!; Momentum and energy; Relativistic momentum; Chapter 11. Vectors; Symmetry in physics; Translations; Rotations; Vectors; Vector algebra; Newton's laws in vector notation; Scalar product of vectors; Chapter 12. Characteristics of Force; What is a force?; Friction; Molecular forces; Fundamental forces. Fields; Pseudo forces; Nuclear forces; Chapter 13. Work and Potential Energy (A). Energy of a falling bodyWork done by gravity; Summation of energy; Gravitational field of large objects; Chapter 14. Work and Potential Energy (conclusion); Work; Constrained motion; Conservative forces; Nonconservative forces; Potentials and fields; Chapter 15. The Special Theory of Relativity; The principle of relativity; The Lorentz transformation; The Michelson-Morley experiment; Transformation of time; The Lorentz contraction; Simultaneity; Four-vectors; Relativistic dynamics; Equivalence of mass and energy; Chapter 16. Relativistic Energy and Momentum; Relativity and the philosophers. The twin paradoxTransformation of velocities; Relativistic mass; Relativistic energy; Chapter 17. Space-Time; The geometry of space-time; Space-time intervals; Past, present, and future; More about four-vectors; Four-vector algebra; Chapter 18. Rotation in Two Dimensions; The center of mass; Rotation of a rigid body; Angular momentum; Conservation of angular momentum; Chapter 19. Center of Mass; Moment of Inertia; Properties of the center of mass; Locating the center of mass; Finding the moment of inertia; Rotational kinetic energy; Chapter 20. Rotation in space; Torques in three dimensions.
Eagerly awaited by scientists and academics worldwide, the complete series of Feynmans landmark Lectures on Physics