Motivation, altruism, personality and social psychology :
the coming age of altruism
Michael Babula.
Palgrave Macmillan
: illustrations
PART I: INTRINSIC DRIVE TO BECOME EXOCENTRIC ALTRUISTS --;1. An Unenlightened Developmental Psychology --;2. Proposed Hyperbola Paradigm --;3. Expanding the Scope of Biological Evolution --;4. The Unlikely Samaritans --;PART II: A FRESH LOOK AT PATHOLOGY --;5. Pathological Self-Interest --;6. Needs Frustration and Mindset of 9/11 Jihadists --;7. The Special Case of Psychopathy --;PART III: SEQUENTIAL CONFIRMATION OF THE HYPERBOLA PARADIGM --;8. Post-materialist Value Change --;9. New Challenges for the West --;10. Political Values in a Threat Environment --;11. The Rejection of Barabbas --;PART IV: THE COMING AGE OF ALTRUISM --;12. Aligning Governing Systems and Altruistic Values --;13. Promoting Altruistic Constructivist Education --;14. Helping the Afflicted Transcend Self-Interest.
Motivation, Altruism, Personality and Social Psychology takes up the debate around altruism and the acceptance in society that self-interest is a healthy guiding principle in life, and argues that helping behaviour can lead to self-fulfilment and happiness and is beneficial to psychological health and society in general.