The politics of constitutional reform in North America :
coping with new challenges
Rainer-Olaf Schultze, Roland Sturm (eds.) in collaboration with Steffan Schneider.
Springer Fachmedien
(288 pages)
Politikwissenschaftliche Paperbacks, Bd. 30.
Thema des englischsprachigen Bandes sind Verfassungspolitik und-reform in den USA und Kanada. Untersucht werden die Institutionen derLegislative und Exekutive, Foderalismus, Haushalts- und Minderheitenpolitikund die Verfassungsgerichtsbarkeit. The book examines context,preconditions, nature and impact of recent constitutional reform processes inthe United States and Canada. Contents: Constitutional Reform -Theoretical and Comparative Perspectives Rainer-Olaf Schultze,Constitutional Reform as Process Petra Dobner, Constitutionalismand the Transformation of the State Constitutional Governance -Institutional Structures, Actors and Policy Fields Changes in the Legislative andExecutive Branches R. Kent Weaver, The Politics ofInstitutional Reform in Canada and the United States Steffen Schneider, ParliamentaryGovernment in Canada: Institutional Stability and Constitutional Reform inthe Legislative and Executive Branches Trends in Federalism andIntergovernmental Relations Roland Sturm, Federalism andConstitutional Politics: A Theoretical Perspective Timothy J. Conlan, CourtingDevolution: The U.S. Supreme Court and Contemporary American Federalism Harvey Lazar/John McLean,Non-Constitutional Reform and the Canadian Federation: The Only Game in Town Budgeting and ConstitutionalPolitics Markus M. Muller, Regulation,Taxation or Inaction? Budgetary Politics, Institutional Reform and American Judicialism Allan Maslove, Canadian FederalBudgeting: Imaginative Responses and Troublesome Confusions Minorities and ConstitutionalPolitics Michael Dreyer, Race, Gender,Sexual Orientation - Minorities and the Supreme Court Peter H. Russell, Canada - APioneer in the Management of Constitutional Politics in a Multi-nationalSociety Constitutional Jurisprudence -Does it Stimulate or Prevent Reform? Martin Edelman, Change is aSometimes Thing: Constitutional Jurisprudence in the United States Martin Thunert, The CanadianCharter of Rights and Freedoms: Product and Catalyst ofSocio-Politi
Constitutional law -- Canada.
Constitutional law -- United States.
Law reform.
Rainer-Olaf Schultze, Roland Sturm (eds.) in collaboration with Steffan Schneider.