edited by Ronald Bayer, Arthur L. Caplan, Norman Daniels.
Boston, MA
Springer US
Hastings Center series in ethics.
1 Health Care Needs and Distributive Justice --;2 For and Against Equal Access to Health Care --;3 Jail and Prison Health Care Standards: A Determination of Need Without Reference to Want or Desire --;4 How Should Values Count in the Allocation of New Technologies in Health Care? --;5 The Neoconservative Health Strategy: Vouchers and the Rhetoric of Equity --;6 Operationalizing Respect for Persons: A Qualitative Aspect of the Right to Health Care --;7 Needs, Wants, Demands, and Interests: Their Interaction in Medical Practice and Health Policy --;8 Physicians' Refusals of Patient Demands: An Application of Medical Discernment --;Appendix A.
I Several years ago, when the Carter administration announced that it would support congressional action to end the public fund- ing of abortions, the President was asked at a press conference whether he thought that such a policy was unfair;
Philosophy (General)
edited by Ronald Bayer, Arthur L. Caplan, Norman Daniels.