Condensed matter. Subvol. A. Nonequilibrium phase diagrams of ternary amorphous alloys.
295 Seiten : Diagramme
From the contents: Introduction.- IMR data project; Introductory remarks; Data source and distribution; Classification of preparation methods and formation data; Presentation of formation data; Acknowledgements; Process and Technology; Liquid quenching process; Splat cooling; Single roller melt-spinning; In-rotating water melt spinning; Metallic mold casting; Gas atomization; Sputtering; Solid State Reaction; References; Formation of amorphous alloys; Glas transition; Structural and dynamical properties through glass transition; Control of Crystallization; Forming ability of amorphous alloys; References; Recent progress of amorphous and amorphous based metallic materials; Preliminary remarks; High strength light-weight amorphous alloys; Nanocrystals-dispersed amorphous alloys; A new class of soft magnetic materials having a nanocrystalline structure; More stable amorphous alloys with a wide super-cooled liquid region; Data.- List of ternary amorphous alloys; Phase diagrams; Composition tables; References.