Ray Reiter --;A Memoir --;1 The Early Years I: High school --;2 The Early Years II: The University of Toronto --;3 The Middle Years I: The University of Michigan --;4 The Middle Years II: The University of British Columbia --;5 A Reiter Aphorism --;6 A Reiter Aphorism --;7 The Middle Years III: The University of Toronto (Again) --;8 The Future --;Default Logic and Purity of Reasoning --;1 An overview of Default Logic --;2 The logical nature of reasoning --;3 The modal logics of Default Logic --;4 Default Logic: a strategy for explicit Definability --;5 Default Logic: from a single to multiple Contexts --;Computing Domain Specific Information --;1 Introduction --;2 The Logistics Domain --;3 Conversion to Successor State Axioms --;4 Inner and Outer Boundaries --;5 Some Examples --;6 Conclusion --;Specifying Database Transactions and Active Rules in the Situation Calculus --;1 Introduction --;2 Active Rules --;3 Specifying Database Updates --;4 Specifying Transactions --;5 Representing Active Rules --;6 Reasoning from the Specification --;7 Conclusions and Further Work --;The Frame Problem and Bayesian Network Action Representations --;1 Introduction --;2 Actions: Semantics and Basic Representations --;3 Single Actions: Structure and the Frame Problem --;4 Multiple Actions: The Frame and Ramification Problems --;5 Concluding Remarks --;Philosophical and Scientific Presuppositions of Logical Al --;1 Philosophical Presuppositions --;2 Scientific Presuppositions ... 76 --;On Existence of Extensions for Default Theories --;1 Introduction --;2 Necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of extensions --;3 An interpretation of default rules using object-meta pairs --;4 Appendix --;An Incremental Interpreter for High-Level Programs with Sensing --;1 Introduction --;2 Preliminaries --;3 Off-line lookahead --;4 Characterizing on-line executions --;5 An incremental interpreter --;6 Discussion --;An Improved Incremental Algorithm for Generating Prime Implicates --;1 Introduction --;2 A brute-force algorithm --;3 Improving efficiency --;4 Results --;Fixpoint 3-valued Semantics for Autoepistemic Logic --;1 Introduction --;2 Autoepistemic logic --;preliminaries --;3 A fixpoint 3-valued semantics for autoepistemic logic --;4 An effective implementation of V --;5 Relationship to logic programming --;6 Conclusions and future work --;Toward Efficient Default Reasoning --;1 Computation and Nonmonotonicity --;2 Sufficient Tests for Consistency --;3 Context-Limited Consistency Checking --;4 The Mitigating Nature of Defaults --;5 Experimental Evaluation --;6 Related Work --;7 Conclusions and Open Problems --;8 Acknowledgments --;Action, Time and Default --;Explanatory Diagnosis: Conjecturing Actions to Explain Observations --;1 Introduction --;2 Representation Scheme --;3 Preliminaries --;4 Explanatory Diagnosis --;5 Exploiting Regression --;6 Exploiting the Task --;7 Related Work --;8 Summary --;On Sensing and Off-line Interpreting in GOLOG --;1 Introduction --;2 The Situation Calculus --;3 GOLOG --;4 Conditional action trees --;5 sGOLOG --;6 A simple implementation --;7 Summary and discussion --;Reactivity in a Logic-Based Robot Programming Framework (Extended Version) --;1 Introduction --;2 ConGolog --;3 Interfacing the High-Level Control Module --;4 A Mail Delivery Example --;5 Experimentation --;6 Discussion --;A Additional Axioms and Procedure Definitions --;Success of Default Logic --;Search Algorithms in the Situation Calculus --;1 Dedication --;2 Introduction --;3 Search Problems and Algorithms --;4 The Situation Calculus --;5 Search Problems in the Situation Calculus --;6 Search Algorithms in the Situation Calculus --;7 Depth-First Search --;8 Breadth-First Search --;9 Best-First Search --;10 Conclusions --;Logic and Databases: a 20 Year Retrospective --;Updated in Honor of Ray Reiter --;1 Introduction --;2 Intellectual Contributions of Deductive Databases --;3 Implementation Status of Deductive Databases --;4 Emerging Areas and Trends --;5 Summary --;Action Inventory for a Knowledge-Based Colloquium Agent. Preliminary Version --;1 The Electronic Colloquium --;2 Additional application aspects --;3 Some examples of tasks --;4 Agent support for electronic colloquia --;5 Present organization of the colloquium software --;6 States and Actions in the Colloquium Domain --;7 Discussion --;A GOLOG Specification of a Hypertext System --;1 Introduction --;2 The Situation Calculus --;3 Hypertext --;4 GOLOG: Complex Actions --;5 Run-time Layer --;6 Conclusions and Future Work --;Explanation Closure, Action Closure, and the Sandewall Test Suite for Reasoning about Change --;1 Introduction --;2 DFL, TC, and the test scenarios --;3 Coda: The Metaphysics of Change --;4 Conclusion --;What Sort of Computation Mediates Best Between Perception and Action? --;1 Introduction --;2 Embodiment --;3 Logic --;4 Action and Change --;5 Space, Noise and Perception --;6 Planning, Sensing and Computation --;7 The Sense-Plan-Act Cycle --;8 An Implemented Robot Controller --;9 Conclusion --;10 Acknowledgments --;11 Postscript: The Influence of Ray Reiter --;Modeling and Analysis of Hybrid Control Systems --;1 Introduction --;2 System Modeling in Constraint Nets --;3 Requirements Specification in Timed V-Automata --;4 Hybrid Control System Design --;5 Behavior Verification Using Model Checking --;6 Conclusions.
It is a pleasure and an honor to be able to present this collection of papers to Ray Reiter on the occasion of his 60th birthday.