Technology-based firms in the innovation process :
management, financing and regional networks ; 28 tables
Knut Koschatzky (ed.).
XII, 290 Seiten : Diagramme, Karten.
Technology, innovation and policy, 5.
Introduction: Technology-Based Firms in the Innovation Process: Object of Theory and Research.- I. The Management of Technology-Based Firms.- Development Problems of Small Technology-Based Firms and Ways of Overcoming Them.- Marketing in New Technology-Based Firms.- Crises of New Technology-Based Firms.- Consulting for New Technology-Based Firms.- II. The Financing of Technology-Based Firms.- The Promotion of New Technology-Based Firms in Germany.- The Financing of New Technology-Based Firms.- The Venture Capital Market in Germany.- III. Regional Networks for Technology-Based Firms.- Innovative Regional Development Concepts and Technology-Based Firms.- Innovation Networks for Small Enterprises.- Technology and Incubator Centres as an Instrument of Regional Economic Promotion.- Methods for Ascertaining Firms' Needs for Innovation Services.- The Adaptation of German Experiences to Building Up Innovation Networks in Central and Eastern Europe.- List of Authors.