Proceedings of the Third World Congress Rome, May 24-27, 1983
edited by Corrado Manni, Sergio I. Magalini.
Berlin, Heidelberg
Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Introductory Speeches --;Types and Events of Disasters --;Types of Intervention in Natural and Man-Made Disasters --;Training and Education in Disasters --;Nutrition, Pain, and Infection Control --;Organization of Services in Disasters --;Casualties Prediction, Risk Assessment, and Forensic Medicine Aspects --;Clinical Aspects of Trauma --;Pathophysiological Aspects in Trauma --;Advances in Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation --;Head and Spinal Injuries --;National and International Civilian Military Collaboration --;Land, Sea, and Air Rescue --;Conclusion.
The role of medicine in this context is of fundamental importance and is charac- terized by two main aspects: application of techniques of intervention appropriately and effectively, and collaboration with the general organization, assuming responsi- bility for the protection of health and the treatment of injuries.