Landolt-Börnstein numerical data and functional relationships in science and technology. Group 2, Atomic and molecular physics. Vol. 9, Magnetic properties of free radicals. Part c2, Organic O-, P-, S-, Se-, Si-, Ge-, Sn-, Pb-, As-, Sb-centered radicals
A.G. Davies [and others] ; editors: H. Fischer and K.-H. Hellwege.
New series, editor in chief
Added t.p. in German.;Supplement and extension to Volume 1.
Atomic and molecular physics.;Magnetic properties of free radicals.;Organic O-, P-, S-, Se-, Si-, Ge-, Sn-, Pb-, As-, Sb-centered radicals.
A.G. Davies [and others] ; editors: H. Fischer and K.-H. Hellwege.