XII, 548 Seiten in 1 Teil 235 schw.-w. Illustrationen, 670 farbige Illustrationen 244 x 170 mm
General.- A. History of rhinoplasty.- B. Anatomy of the nose.- C. Physiology of the nose.- D. Shape, angle and size.- E. Documentation.- F. General indication for corrective and reconstructive surgery.- G. Psychological aspects and legal considerations.- H. Operating room and light sources.- J. General notes on anesthesia and medication.- K. Technique of local anesthesia in rhinoplasty.- L. Instruments for rhinoplasty.- Surgical procedure.- A. Corrective rhinoplasty.- I. Incisions.- II. Decollement of dorsum and lateral nasal walls. Transfixion.- III. Correction of bony nose.- 1. Hump removal.- 2. Correction of isolated wide bony nose.- 3. Correction of wide nose in ozena.- 4. Correction of narrow bony nasal vault.- IV. Shaping of nasal tip including lower lateral cartilages and columella.- 1. General considerations about plastic surgery of nasal tip, necessary incisions.- 2. Excisions of septal cartilage.- 3. Corrective surgery of the lower lateral cartilages.- a) Luxation method.- b) Eversion method.- c) Incisions and excisions on the lower lateral cartilages for modeling.- 4. Correction of nasolabial angle and fixation of remodelled tip.- V. Total reduction of the nose.- VI. Surgery in particular positional anomalies and disturbances in shape of alae.- 1. Correction of alar collapse.- 2. Correction of abnormally shaped alae.- VII. Operations in certain positional anomalies and deformities of columella.- 1. Narrowing of wide columella.- 2. Lifting of hanging columella.- 3. Shortening of columella.- 4. Lengthening of columella.- 5. Correction of oblique columella.- 6. Correction of nasolabial angle and of hidden columella.- VIII. Corrections of nasal septum in their relation to rhinoplasty.- 1. General considerations.- 2. Submucous resection of the septum (Killian).- 3. Septum plasty.- 4. Correction of bony and cartilaginous deflected nose in combination with septum operation.- 5. Closure of septum perforations.- 6. Skin grafting (dermoplasty) on nasal septum and in nasal cavity.- IX. Correction of saddle nose.- 1. General considerations.- 2. Correction of saddle nose of slight degree using tissue from nose itself.- a) Correction with septal cartilage.- b) Correction with lower lateral cartilage.- c) Correction by narrowing.- d) Correction with upper lateral cartilage.- 3. Correction of saddle nose with implants.- a) Historical review and general remarks concerning preparation of grafts.- ?) Cartilage.- Cartilage bank.- Obtaining cartilage from the ear as autograft.- Diced cartilage as autograft.- Meniscus cartilage as homograft.- Heterografting of cartilage.- Homografting of cartilage.- ?) Bone.- Autografting of bone.- Autografted and homografted bone in the nose.- Homografting of bone.- b) Removal, shaping and insertion of grafts.- ?) Cartilage.- Removal of cartilage from the rib.- Shaping the graft.- Cartilage grafting in children and the aged.- ?) Bone.- Removal from the iliac crest.- Bone bank for nasal grafts.- Grafting of minced bone. "Morcellement", bone chips (minced cancellous bone).- Results of bone grafting in the nose.- ?) Dermal flap as graft for saddlenose surgery.- c) Alloplastic material for nose.- ?) Formerly used implants.- ?) Implants used today.- Hard plastics.- Soft plastics.- Chemistry of plastics.- Metals.- Characteristics of alloplastic material.- d) Incisions for implant insertion in saddle nose.- e) Fixation of implants.- X. Correction of compound saddle nose.- 1. Sliding flaps and other flap utilization.- 2. Endonasal prostheses and retention devices.- XI. Correction of rhinophyma.- XII. Treatment of nasal injuries.- 1. Recent injuries of soft nasal structures.- 2. Old injuries of soft nasal structures.- 3. Fractures of bony and cartilaginous nasal vault.- 4. Immobilization of corrected nasal fracture.- 5. Plastic closure of dural fistulas in the region of nose and paranasal sinuses.- XIII. Plastic operations in the glabellar and frontal sinus region.- XIV. Correction of harelip nose.- 1. Correction of unilateral harelip nose.- Primary repair.- Secondary repair.- 2. Correction of bilateral harelip nose.- XV. Surgical treatment of nasal atresias and stenoses.- 1. Correction of anterior nasal atresias and stenoses.- 2. Correction of choanal atresia.- a) Transseptal approach.- b) Transantral approach.- c) Transnasal approach.- d) Transpalatal approach.- e) Surgical treatment of cicatricious choanal atresia.- 3. Correction of naso-pharyngeal atresias and stenoses.- XVI. Plastic surgery in hereditary nasal malformations.- 1. Monsters (cyclops eye in total absence of nose).- 2. Correction of congenital clefts in nasal region.- a) Median nasal cleft.- b) Double formations.- c) Lateral nasal clefts.- 3. Correction of congenital malformations related to facial clefts.- a) Correction of nasal aplasia.- b) Correction of proboscis lateralis.- c) Correction of nose in bilateral facial cleft.- d) Removal of median nasal fistulas and dermoid cysts.- e) Correction of other nasal malformations.- ?) Correction of flat nose.- ?) Correction of microrhinia.- ?) Surgery in absence of septum.- ?) Strands in nose.- B. Reconstructive rhinoplasty (replacement surger?).- I. Columellar reconstruction.- 1. Columellar reconstruction with flaps from neighboring area.- 2. Reconstruction of columella with distant flaps.- II. Composite auricular grafts for replacement of columella and alae.- Review of historical development of composite grafts.- Healing process of free composite auricular grafts.- Indication.- Technical procedure in removal of composite grafts and treatment of donor area.- Technique of suturing composite grafts.- Dressing technique.- Results.- Other possibilities.- III. Reconstruction of alae.- 1. Local reconstruction procedures.- 2. Reconstruction with flaps from neighboring areas.- 3. Reconstruction with septal flap.- 4. Reconstruction with distant flaps.- a) Forehead flaps.- b) Neck flaps.- c) Fronto-temporal flaps.- d) Flaps from upper arm (Italian method).- IV. Reconstruction of nasal tip.- 1. Reconstruction with flaps from neighboring area.- 2. Reconstruction with distant flaps.- a) Forehead flaps.- b) Fronto-temporal flap.- c) Tubed pedicle flaps from head and neck.- d) Visor flap.- e) Flaps from arm.- f) Reattachment of nose.- V. Reconstruction in other partial nasal defects (lateral nasal wall and dorsum).- 1. Reconstruction using free full-thickness skin grafts.- 2. Reconstruction using straight advancement flaps.- 3. Reconstruction using rotation and transposition flaps from cheek.- 4. Reconstruction using rotation and transposition flaps from forehead.- 5. Reconstruction with fronto-temporal flaps.- 6. Reconstruction with septum flap.- 7. Reconstruction with island flaps (Monks' method).- 8. Reconstruction with tubed pedicle flaps.- 9. Reconstruction with abdomino-brachial sandwich flap.- VI. Partial and complete nasal reconstructive surgery.- 1. Indian method and Italian method.- 2. Reconstruction with visor or bridge flaps.- 3. Reconstruction with fronto-temporal flaps.- 4. Reconstruction with tubed pedicle flaps.- VII. Plastic procedure in nasal tumors.- 1. Approach and reconstruction following removal of tumors of and in nose.- 2. Repair of defects of nasal floor following tumor removal.- 3. Treatment of nasal hemangiomas.- C. Appendix.- I. Rhinoplasty in children.- II. Treatment of wounds; dressings.- III. Pitfalls and complications in rhinoplasty.- IV. Other nasal diseases in their relation to plastic surgery.- 1. Rhinoplasty in lupus vulgaris.- 2. Abrasion and scarification in diseases of nasal skin (dermabrasion).- 3. Treatment of paraffinoma of nose.- V. Epitheses.- Author Index.