Introduction / Tavish Armstrong --;High performance networking in Chrome / Ilya Grigorik --;From socialcalc to ethercalc / Audrey Tang --;Ninja / Evan Martin --;Parsing XML at the speed of light / Arseny Kapoulkine --;MemShrink / Kyle Huey --;Applying optimization principle patterns to component deployment and configuration tools / Doug C. Schmidt, William R. Otte, Aniruddha Gokhale --;Infinispan / Manik Surtani --;Talos / Clint Talbert and Joel Maher --;Zotonic / Arjan Scherpenisse and Marc Worrell --;Secrets of mobile network performance / Bryce Howard --;Warp / Kazu Yamamoto, Michael Snoyman, and Andreas Voellmy --;Working with big data in bioinformatics / Eric McDonald and C. Titus Brown.