History and Goals --;Implants and Instruments --;General Techniques for the Internal Fixation of Small Fractures --;Preoperative, Operative, and Postoperative Guidelines --;Removal of Implants --;Autogenous Bone Grafts --;Reconstructive Surgery --;Introduction and Overview --;The Shoulder Girdle --;The Elbow --;The Shafts of the Radius and Ulna --;The Wrist and Carpus --;The Hand --;The Knee --;The Tibial Shaft --;The Ankle Joint --;The Foot --;Special Indications --;References --;Subject Index.
The second English-language edition of the Small Fragment Set Manual was enthusiastically received and quickly went into a second printing. We also felt it necessary to respond to criticisms of the first two editions concerning the catalog-like instrument lists and illustrations, and the attention given to fundamental techniques.