the Methodological Foundations of Political Economy
by George E. McCarthy.
Springer Netherlands
(244 pages).
Sovietica (Université de Fribourg. Ost-Europa Institut), 53.
I: 18th- and 19th-century German Philosophy: Epistemology and Metaphysics --;One Science and Critique: The Evolution of the German Perspective from Kant to Marx --;Two Time and Critique: The Temporal Dimensions of the Dialectical Method --;Three Materialism and Critique: The Schelling and Feuerbach Responses to Hegel --;II: Epistemology and Method in Marx' Later Works --;Four Rethinking Method: Reflective Reconstruction of History --;Five Against Epistemology and Foundationalism: From the Theory of Political Economy to Social Practice --;III: Meta-Critique and Political Economy: Marx' Legacy --;Six Epistemology and Political Economy: From Philosophy to Social Theory --;Notes.
With this in mind the reader will be taken through three meta-theoretical levels of Marx' method of analysis of the struc- tures of capitalism: (1) the clarification of 'critique' and method from Kant's epistemology, Hegel's phenomenology, to Marx' political economy (Chapter One);