Studies in the Natural Sciences, A Series from the Center for Theoretical Studies, 11.
Of Volume 11 --;New Particle Spectroscopy and Decays --;Quark-Tasting with Neutrinos --;How to Compute the Cabibbo Angle with Six Quarks --;Hadron States in the M.I.T. Bag Model --;Recent Results from Spear --;Preliminary Neutral Current Results from Caltech-Fermilab --;Search For New Particles at BNL --;New Vistas in Neutrino Physics --;Some Recent Work on Zero Mass Field Theories --;Infrared Singularities of Non-Abelian Gauge Theories --;Freedom Now: A New Look at the Impulse Approximation --;Relativistically Invariant Lattice Theories --;Diffraction Scattering in Quantum Chromodynamics --;High-Energy Behavior of Two-Body Elastic Amplitudes in Gauge Field Theories --;New Model Independent Results on the Diffraction Peak --;S-Channel Unitarity in the Pomeron Theory with?P (0)> 1 --;Equation for Density Operator and Scaling Properties of Inclusive Cross Section --;My Perspectives on Particle Physics: Summary of Orbis Scientiae, 1976 --;Participants.
This year, Orbis Scientiae 1976, dedicated to the Bicentennial of the United States of America, was devoted entirely to recent developments in high energy physics.