NATO ASI Series, Series 4: Science and Technology Policy, 18.
Resources Potential of Uzbekistan and its Possible Way to Global Market --;S & T as an Element in Developing a Global Market --;A Global Science and Technology World: A Strategic Tool for Market Globalization --;The State Support to Organization and Development of Innovations in the Republic of Uzbekistan. The Mechanism of its Realization --;The Development of Science and Technology Parks and Innovation Centres --;Technology Transfer in Solid State Electronics Perspectives and Opportunities --;How to Structure a Successful Innovation Transfer System --;The Problems of Computer Net Integration of Uzbekistan to the World Information System --;Economic Development through Multimedia and Distance Learning --;Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey Productivityscience and Technology Management Systems and Innovation Opportunities --;Training of Specialists at Information Technologies: Some Important Aspects of the Topic --;Strategic Parameters in Planning Information Networks: Some Features of the US Experience --;Problems and Perspectives of the Creation of Information Infrastructure of the Bodies of State Administration of the Republic of Kazakhstan --;Academic Computer Networks, Technological Opportunities for the Late Comers: Turkish Case --;Problems of Integration of the R & D Sphere into the World Economy.
Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop, Tashkent, Uzbekistan, 23-25 September 1996
Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop, Tashkent, Uzbekistan, 23-25 September 1996