Peter Vervest and Al Dunn. With contributions by Martijn Hoogeweegen ...
Berlin Springer
XX, 244 Seiten Diagramme
1 - The Politics of Funding: Justifying Your Existence.- 1. Making a Business Case for Usability and Beyond - the Fight for Survival.- 2. Selling Usability Services.- 2 - The Politics of Set Up: What to Do with the Money once You Have Got it.- 3. Overcoming Inertia within a Large Organization.- 4. Integrating Usability into Systems Development.- 5. A Structured Approach to User Interface Design.- 6. Making Usability Part of the Culture.- 3 - The Politics of Survival: Keeping Usability on the Political Map.- 7. A Change is as Good as a Test.- 8. Consultants with Clout.- 9. Cultivating an Effective Client Relationship to Promote a User-Centred Culture.- 4 - The Politics of Expansion: How to Work Effectively on an International, Multi-Cultural Level.- 10. "Oh, so That's the Way You Do it over There!".- 11. Spreading the Word: Introducing Usability Evaluation on an International Scale.- 12. Standards and Style Guides - A Cross-Cultural Perspective.- 13. Usability Practice in the United States: Perception versus Reality.- 14. Round the World in 18 Days.
Electronic Commerce.
Peter Vervest and Al Dunn. With contributions by Martijn Hoogeweegen ...