a European Working Book for Demographic and Socio-Economic Variables
edited by Jürgen H.P. Hoffmeyer-Zlotnik, Christof Wolf.
Boston, MA
Springer US
(ix, 413 pages)
1. Measuring Demographic and Socio-Economic Variables in Cross-National Research: An Overview --;I: Harmonising Demographic and Socio-Economic Variables: Objectives --;2. Harmonising Data in Official Statistics: Development, Procedures, and Data Quality --;3. The ISSP and its Approach to Background Variables --;4. Harmonising Sampling Frames and Indicators in International Market Research: A German Perspective --;II: International Standards for Demographic and Socio-Economic Variables --;5. Harmonisation of Socio-Economic Variables in EU Statistics --;6. The ESOMAR Standard Demographic Classification: A System of International Socio-Economic Classification of Respondents to Survey Research --;III: International Instruments for Selected Variables --;7. International Classification of Status in Employment, ICSE-93 --;8. International Statistical Comparisons of Occupational and Social Structures: Problems, Possibilities and the Role of ISCO-88 --;9. Three Internationally Standardised Measures for Comparative Research on Occupational Status --;10. International Standard Classification of Education, ISCED 1997 --;11. The CASMIN Educational Classification in International Comparative Research --;12. The Classification of Education as a Sociological Background Characteristic --;IV: Suggested Conventions for Selected Variables for Which Comparative Instruments Do Not Exist --;13. How to Measure Sex/Gender and Age --;14. How to Measure Race and Ethnicity --;15. How to Measure Household and Family --;16. How to Measure (New) Work Situations --;17. How to Measure Income --;V: Cross-Cultural Comparisons: Empirical Applications --;18. Using CASMIN: The Effect of Education on Wages in Britain and Germany --;19. Education and Unemployment Risks among Market Entrants: A Comparison of France, the United Kingdom and West Germany --;20. The Validity of Income Measurements in Comparative Perspective: Non-Responses and Biases --;VI: Harmonising Demographic and Socio-Economic Variables: Synthesis --;21. Comparing Demographic and Socio-Economic Variables Across Nations: Synthesis and Recommendations --;Contributing Authors.
The book consists of five parts and a concluding chapter. The last part presents selected empirical analyses demonstrating the use and fruitfulness of instruments presented before.This book is mainly written for two groups.
Economics -- Statistics.
Social sciences.
edited by Jürgen H.P. Hoffmeyer-Zlotnik, Christof Wolf.