Background --;Justification for an Integrated Programme --;CINDI Protocol --;Guidelines for Monitoring and Evaluation --;Annexes 1-12.
The editors express their thanks and appreciation to the Chamber of Physicians of the Federal State of Baden-Wiirttemberg and to the Merckle GmbH, Blaubeuren, whose generous financial support made the publication of this book possible. Their interest in the field of chronic noncommunicable diseases and their continuing collaboration with the Department of Clinical Social Medicine, University of Heidelberg, in a project against chronic joint diseases led them quickly to recognize and support the CINDI-Pro gramme in Baden-Wiirttemberg in more ways than one. This approach is regarded as an exemplary attitude of a professional organization of physicians and of industry towards a major health pro gramme. Copenhagen, Heidelberg E. Leparski September 1987 E. Niissel Table of Contents 1 Background ... 1 2 Justification for an Integrated Programme ... 3 3 CINDI Protocol . 7 3. 1 Objectives 7 3. 2 Main Programme Components . 8 3. 3 . Plan of Action 9 3. 4 Evaluation . 10 3. S Management. 10 4 Guidelines for Monitoring and Evaluation 17 4. 1 Data Base and Indicators. 17 4. 1. 1 Essential Indicators. ... 18 4. 1. 2 Recommended Indicators 21 4. 2 Population Survey 24 4. 2. 1 Sample Size ... 24 4. 2. 2 Sample Selection . 26 4. 3 Data Management 27 4. 3. 1 Data Collection Format 27 4. 3. 2 Time Schedules. ... 29 4. 4 Annual Reporting Format on Country Programmes 30 Annexes 1-12 Annex 1. Activities in Various Sectors at Different Levels of Action ... 33 Annex 2. Format of National Protocol ...