proceedings of the International seminar on sharing of health care costs, Wolfsberg/Switzerland, March 20-23, 1979
ed. by A. Brandt, B. Horisberger, and W.P. von Wartburg with the cooperation of B. Abel-Smith.
Berlin ; Heidelberg ; New York
VI, 172 Seiten : Illustrationen ; 25 cm
Preface.- Report on the Seminar.- 1. The Rising Costs of Health Care.- 1.1 The Trends in Cost.- 1.2 Reasons for the Trends.- 1.3 Does It Matter?.- 2. Alternative Strategies of Cost Containment Which Have Been Adopted, Other Than Cost-Sharing.- 2.1 Budget Limits.- 2.2 Regulation in Insurance Financed Systems.- 2.3 Changing the System of Organization and Financing.- 2.4 Regulating Supply.- 3. The Role of Cost-Sharing.- 3.1 Direct Payment Systems.- 3.2 Reimbursement Systems.- 3.3 Cost-Sharing After Receiving Health Care.- 4. Forms of Cost-Sharing by the Patient.- 5. The Case for Cost-Sharing.- 6. The Case Against Cost-Sharing.- 7. Cost-Control by Consumer Choice and Competition.- 8. Conclusions.- Conclusions and Summary of a Panel Discussion.- Appendices.- 1. Papers Presented at the Seminar.- A.C. Enthoven: Health Care Cost Control Through Incentives and Competition.- U. Geissler. Health Care Cost Containment in the Federal Republic of Germany.- M. Haller: Possibilities of Adapting the Risk Management Approach for Use in the Health Care System.- R.S. Hanft, J. Eichenholz: Hospital Cost Containment in the United States.- H. Hauser: Health Care Cost Control - A Conceptual Framework.- H. Hauser, K. Koch: Health Care Expenditure and Its Financing - An International Survey.- B. Horisberger: Dynamic Organization of Social Security Systems.- U. Muller: Structure and Operation of Switzerland's Health Insurance System.- M. Pfaff: Objectives and Forms of Cost-Sharing.- S. Sandier: Elements of Social Risks Related to Health.- W.P. von Wartburg: Health Services Plus Social Market Economy Equals Social Health Economy.- 2. Reports of the Workshops.- Workshop I: Financial Aspects and Policies.- Workshop II: Risk and Insurance Policies.- Workshop III: Social Security and Alternative Possible Systems Which Would Lead to Better Value for Money in Health Care.- 3. List of Participants.
Gesundheitspflege -- Kosten -- Kongressbericht.
ed. by A. Brandt, B. Horisberger, and W.P. von Wartburg with the cooperation of B. Abel-Smith.