the relevance of the keynesian social thought in a ... global society.
D Padua
[Place of publication not identified]
Palgrave Pivot
Machine generated contents note: --;Preface --;1. Introduction --;PART I: COMPLEXITY --;2. Keynes, The 'Economist Of Complexity' --;3. Environmental Complexity --;4. Nominal Economy Vs. Real Economy --;PART II: TRUST --;5. Classical Rationality And Keynesian Irrationality --;6. The Elements Of Trust --;7. Trust; Confidence; 'Rational Trust' --;8. The Role Of Emotions --;9. Trust In Social Systems --;PART III: VALUE --;10. The Economy Of Trust In The Global Crisis --;11. Uncertainty --;12. Irrationality --;13. Speculation --;14. Complexity --;15. Stories --;PART IV: DEVELOPMENT --;16. Growth And Development --;17. Redistribution, Equity, Trust --;18. The Keynesian 'Civilization' --;Concluding Remarks --;The Economy Of Trust Generates Value.
Why does trust collapse in times of crisis? And when, instead, does it become a driver of growth, generating value? Through a sociological interpretation of the thought of John Maynard Keynes, Padua introduces the innovative concepts of Economy of Trust and Nominal Economy within the context of the 2008 financial crisis.