Schering Symposium on Biodynamics and Mechanism of Action of Steroid Hormones, Berlin, March 14 to 16, 1968. Editor:
Gerhard Raspé.
Gerhard Raspé
Oxford, New York, Pergamon Press
353 pages illustrations, portraits.
Advances in the biosciences, 2.
Opening of the SymposiumIntroduction of the Winners of the "Schoeller-Junkmann-Preis 1968" The Science of Science Automation in Steroid-Analytical Procedures Combination of Chromatographic and Mass Spectrometric Methods in the Search for Metabolic Compounds Factors Regulating the Metabolism of Steroids in the Liver Steroid Metabolism and Inter-conversions Testosterone in Plasma Some Newer Aspects of Estrogen Metabolism Interaction between Steroid Conjugates and Proteins The Molecular Basis of Estrogen-Binding in Target Cells Some Effects of Estrogens on Mouse Interstitial Cells during Tumor Induction I. Biochemical Studies II. Histochemical and Radioautographic Studies Biochemical Features of Androgen Action In Vitro Action of Cortisol in the Nucleus of the Liver Cell Binding of Estradiol and other Estrogens to Castrated Rat and Prepuberal Sow Endometrium Proteins Steroid Antagonists: Their Mechanism of ActionPanel Discussion: Clinical Aspects, Bio-dynamics and Action of Steroid Hormones Estrogens Progestogens Androgens Corticoids Closing AddressLecturersParticipantsPresidents and Secretaries of National Societies of Endocrinology, 1968