Update on Cholesterol Gallstones and Bile Acid Diarrhoea
edited by Tim Northfield, Riadh Jazrawi, Patrick Zentler-Munro.
Springer Netherlands
(288 pages)
1 Overview: the enterohepatic circulation of bile acids --;a topic in molecular physiology --;Section A Biliary Chemistry And Physiology --;2 Hepatic bile acid transport and secretion --;3 Hepatic biliary lipid synthesis and transport --;4 Biliary lipid secretion and its control --;5 Lipid solubilisation in bile --;6 Gallbladder motor function --;Section B Pathogenesis Of Cholesterol Gallstone Disease --;7 The secretory defect --;8 The physico-chemical defect --;9 The motility defect --;Section C Gallstone Prevention --;10 Clues from epidemiology --;11 Post-dissolution trials --;Section D Non-Surgical Treatment Of Gallstones --;12 Cheno- versus ursodeoxycholic acid --;13 Cheno- plus ursodeoxycholic acid --;14 Methyl tert-butyl ether --;15 Lithotripsy --;16 Overall strategy --;Section E Lipid Digestion And Bile Acid Absorption --;17 Fat digestion and solubilisation --;18 Bile acid absorption --;Section F Lipid Maldigestion And Bile Acid Malabsorption --;19 Fat digestion and solubilisation in disease --;20 Bile acid malabsorption, diarrhoea and steatorrhoea --;21 Bile acids in irritable bowel syndrome --;Section G Diagnosis Of Bile Acid Malabsorption --;Role Of 75SeHCAT --;22 75SeHCAT: an overview of its physiological properties and clinical value --;23 Whole body and abdominal retention of75SeHCAT --;24 Gallbladder retention of 75SeHCAT.
Bile acids occupy a central position in in the absorption, excretion and metab- olism of lipids within the body. Disorders of the enterohepatic circulation contribute to a correspondingly wide range of diseases, and recent developments have centred in particular on cholesterol gallstone disease and bile acid diarrhoea.
Clinical medicine.
edited by Tim Northfield, Riadh Jazrawi, Patrick Zentler-Munro.