the Remarkable Story of a Rebel Geologist and the World's Greatest Flood.
John Soennichsen
New York
Sasquatch Books
(305 pages)
Contents; Preface; An Introduction to the Scablands; 1; 2; 3; Notes; Bibliography; Acknowledgments; About the Author.
Conventional geologic thinking always said that the landscape between Idaho and the Cascade Mountains -- a unique place characterized by gullies, coulees, and deserts -- was created over millions of years by rivers that had long since gone dry. Science professor J Harlen Bretz (who made up his own name and intentionally didn't use a period after J), thought otherwise. Based on extensive research and keen observation, he believed this area had been scoured in a virtual instant by a massive flood. Because Bretz was a gadfly in the scientific community and his idea sounded like an attempt to prove.
HISTORY -- United States -- State & Local -- Pacific Northwest (OR, Wash.)