Papers presented at the Foundations of Computational Mathematics Conference held at IMPA.
Computing Roadmaps of Semi-algebraic Sets on a Variety (Extended Abstract).- Essentially Smooth Lipschitz Functions: Compositions and Chain Rules.- Junction Detection and Filtering.- Recognition in Hierarchical Models.- Continuity ?-Algebras (Extended Abstract).- Condition Number Analysis for Sparse Polynomial Systems.- Residues in the Torus and Toric Varieties.- Piecewise Smooth Orthonormal Factors for Fundamental Solution Matrices.- Algorithms for computing finite semigroups.- Extended Grzegorczyk Hierarchy in the BSS Model of Computability.- Affine-Invariant Symmetry Sets.- On the Qualitative Properties of Modified Equations.- Numerical Methods on (and off) Manifolds.- On One Computational Scheme Solving the Nonstationary Schroedinger Equation with Polynomial Nonlinearity.- Newton Iteration Towards a Cluster of Polynomial Zeros.- Szemeredi's Regularity Lemma for Sparse Graphs.- Questions on Attractors of 3-Manifolds.- A Trust-Region SLCP Model Algorithm for Nonlinear Programming.- On the height used by additives BSS machines.- The Space Complexity of Elimination Theory: Upper Bounds.- Global Stochastic Recursive Algorithms.- Dynamical Recognizers: Real-time Language Recognition by Analog Computers (Extended Abstract).- Solving special polynomial systems by using structured matrices and algebraic residues.- Numerical Integration of Differential Equations on Homogeneous Manifolds.- A Convergence proof of an Iterative Subspace Method for Eigenvalues Problems.- Regularity of Minimizers of the Mumford-Shah Functional.- Tests and Constructions of Irreducible Polynomials over Finite Fields.- Numerical Linear Algebra in Optical Imaging.- Explicit symplectic integration of rod dynamics.- Toric Laminations, Sparse Generalized Characteristic Polynomials, and a Refinement of Hilbert's Tenth Problem.- Finite-Dimensional Feedback Control of a Scalar Reaction-Diffusion Equation via Inertial Manifold Theory.- Computational aspects of jacobian matrices.- Rigid body dynamics and measure differential inclusions.- Linear decision lists and partitioning algorithms for the construction of neural networks.- Ill-Posedness and Finite Precision Arithmetic: A Complexity Analysis for Interior Point Methods.- Iterated Commutators, Lie's Reduction Method and Ordinary Differential Equations on Matrix Lie Groups.