from research into health care : social and ethical implications for users and providers ; with 39 tables
I. Nippert ... (ed.)
Berlin Springer
x, 169 Seiten Diagramme 24 cm
Introduction: The New Genetics: Social and EthicalFrom Research into Health Care - Implications for Users and Providers..- Opening Address.- Session I: The Provision of the New Genetics: In Whose Best Interest?.- Americans' Attitudes toward Informed Consent for Breast Cancer Susceptibility Testing: Questions for Cross-Cultural Research.- Nondirectiveness - Facts, Fiction, and Future Prospects.- Predictive Genetic Tests: Destiny or Danger?.- Session II: Providing the New Genetics in Primary Care: Problems and Perspectives.- Genetic Services in Europe - Primary Care Genetics Is a Priority for Health Care Systems.- Education in Genetics.- Genesis, Compulsions, Acceptability, and Future of Pre-Natal Sex-Selection in India.- Session III: Can the Implementation of New Genetic Tests Be Safeguarded by Consensus Policy Recommendations?.- Ethics and Genetics in International Perspective: Results of a Survey.- Consensus and Variation among Medical Geneticists and Patients on the Provision of the New Genetics in Germany - Data from the 1994-1996 Survey among Medical Geneticists and Patients.- The Case for Proposed International Guidelines on Ethical Issues in Medical Genetics.- Session IV: Critiques on the Provision of the New Genetics: Pros and Cons from Consumer and Provider Perspectives.- Statement on CF-Heterozygote Testing.- The Patients' Perspective on the Provision of Genetic Testing.- The European Alliance of Genetic Support Groups, Their Ethical Code and the Provision of Genetic Services.- What Could a Balance Look Like between Individual Autonomy and Society's Need to Regulate?.- New Genetics, New Ethics?.- Guidelines on Ethical Issues in Medical Genetics and the Provision of Genetic Services.